I like asking myself questions – to evaluate my life and make sure I’m being faithful to the call of God.
In a couple previous posts I’ve talked about 10 Questions Every Worship Leader Should Ask and 11 Questions Every Worship Team Member Should Ask.
But what about the average church-goer? What about those with no musical inclination or leadership position?
Do they have a responsibility?
I find it helpful to put myself in their shoes. While I rarely have a weekend where I simply attend church, it’s good to know how a church goer should approach their church attendance.
10 Questions For Church Attenders
Here are some self-evaluating questions:
1. Have I come prepared to worship?
2. Am I attending church to encounter God or appease my conscience?
3. What can I do to bless someone today?
4. Am I seeking first the kingdom of God? What about my priorities needs adjusting?
5. Am I leading my family spiritually apart from Sunday morning?
6. Am I waiting to be led or will I lead myself in worship?
7. How can I apply God’s Word from the message today?
8. Am I contributing here or merely consuming the product of church?
9. Do I spend more time criticizing the service than I do connecting with God?
10. Does my lifestyle, not just my church attendance, reflect a love for Jesus?
Let’s continue the list. What questions would you add? Let us know in the comments.
Did I bring my problems to church in order to submit them to God or did I let them follow me through the door in order to be a distraction?
Another good question we should all ask ourselves!
How can I pray for this family of faith?
I like it. It’s a question that leads you to contribute. We need more of this.
Did I bring my bible or am I hoping the pastor has the scriptures on the screen?
Truth! Who brings their Bible to church anymore? I think this is a discipline we definitely need to recover.
Definitely some good questions to ask!
Really great list david!
My pastor likes to say, are you here to reconize that God is here or are you counting the tiles on the floor and counting how many light bulbs are in each chandalier on the celing?…
I think that funny…
Would my co-workers be surprised that I’m here today? Great list David – trying to think of the best way to get it into the hands of my congregation.
Are we allowing the Spirit to lead us? (AND… Is this church being led by the Spirit?)
Love this, Dan!