I’m ashamed to say it, but I don’t enjoy music as much as I used to.
I used to get lost on my piano for hours, zoning out in my creativity. I used to hang out with my guitar and experiment with new sounds. It was a language I once spoke and I’ve forgotten how to communicate.
I know that sounds bleak, but I’m commited to recapturing the joy of music.
If you’re a worship leader, you know what I’m talking about. Music has become business. As long as we can pull Sunday off and lead worship with music, that’s all the time we have to invest in it.
We use music as a means to an end, rather than a joy in itself.
But that makes sense, right? We’ve been conditioned that “worship isn’t about music”. We’re become so afraid of music becoming our idol that we nearly neglect it.
But guess what? That’s a bad idea. The more you can get lost in music, love it, recapture creative time, the stronger your ministry will be.