There’s an ebb and flow to ministry that can be annoying, wouldn’t you say?
Sometimes you feel on top of the world, like you’re making the biggest difference. The next day, you feel burned out, exhausted, alone, and wonder why you do what you do.
Sometimes your heart is broken. Sometimes you are overlooked, under appreciated, and feel worthless. Other times, compliments can make you think you are better than you really are.
But in today’s post I want to remind you of a few foundational truths that you can take to the bank. Ideas that you can rest your life upon. Promises that you can lean into when all else seems to fail.
I know I need to be reminded of this on a daily basis. My fragile human heart is constantly chasing the next emotional “high” within ministry – that next compliment, milestone, victory, goal, project.
In the midst of the rush, I can race by the cross and not take the necessary time to see my Savior, savor His goodness, and center my life upon Him.
Because without that – what do we have? Without a closeness with Christ, without a surrendered heart, what difference are we making? What are we accomplishing?
6 Truths to Remember
Consider this post permission to slow down. Take a deep breath and think about whether you remember this:
#1: His Love is Your Identity – This may be the most talked about, most preached on truth in the Christian church. But do you believe it? Do you really believe that His love endures even when you fail? If you were to lose all your skill and cease to bring value to people’s lives, do you believe that God’s heart would still beat for you? Know this, believe this, and center your life on this.
#2: Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God – When you prioritize what God values, He backs you up. It’s a way of bringing your life into alignment with what He is already doing. Every day, ask the Lord, “What is on your heart for today? If I accomplish ONE THING today, what is it that will move your heart the most? How can I help you in what you’re doing in the earth?”
This is a great way to figure out what to do with your life. Instead of asking, “God, what is your will for my life?”, Ask, “God, what is your will? And how can I pour my life into that?”
#3: The Praise of Man is Fickle – I want you to make a decision. Are you ready? Don’t place any stock in people’s praise or people’s criticism. One day you may be on top of the world. The next, no one cares about who you are or what you do.Rather, draw your identity from the eternal value Christ has placed on your soul. Your are His beloved child. Drink that in deeply and know it is enough.
Then, when people praise you, you can thank them, be grateful, and get back to step #2. And when people criticize you, smile, take a deep breath, and get back to living out step #2. Too many ministers are derailed by the opinion of man. Build your life upon the rock solid foundation of God’s love for you.
#4: Don’t Neglect Close Friendships – I would venture to say that ministry (especially lead pastoring) is the loneliest job on earth. You need to be intentional about building those close friendships. Otherwise you can spend so much time pouring into others, being “on the clock” as a mentor that your own soul dries up.
One of the great joys of life is having close friendships with people who know you inside and out, love you, laugh with you, and have your back. Hang out with those people, cook dinner for those people, babysit their kids. Don’t close yourself off from the joy of true friendship, even though there is the possibility of heartbreak.
#5: Know Where Your Effectiveness Comes From – You need to stop comparing, criticizing, and striving to make a difference. Here’s a better idea: trust the Holy Spirit is within you and upon you. Allow your confidence to flow from that truth.
Work on your craft not out of desperation to be the best, but to create more context for God to use you. Next time you lead worship, preach, cast vision, or have a hard conversation, slow down and breathe. The Holy Spirit is moving through you in ways you can’t begin to see or understand.
#6: Pastor Your Family – You know what it’s like to come home from ministry and just want to unplug. Believe me, you need moments to unplug. But you cannot unplug from leading your family in worship. You cannot unplug from pastoring your family for the rest of your life. This is the most important congregation you lead. Just as you pursue goals in your work life, set goals for your family’s spiritual health and vitality. Plan out how you’re going to lead them, disciple them, and teach them.
This list is hardly conclusive or complete.
Will you help me fill it out? What are some other foundational truths that we need to hear?
Add yours into the comments section. You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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