A number of weeks ago I wrote a post on contributing and consuming. Whether you like it or not, you are doing one or the other. You are either taking or giving. You are either watching or participating. You are either criticizing or taking your own risks that add value.
This concept leaves us with a most powerful daily question:
What will I contribute today?
Instead of watching the news, go create some good news. Instead of reading another book, go write one. Instead of getting lost in your blog 🙂 go connect with someone personally. Instead of buying yourself more stuff, go give some of it away.
Approach each day, each moment, each interaction with others as a way to contribute rather than consume.
Asking this question and then living it can truly change your life.
So, today. These few hours. You only live it once. What will you contribute today?
In a world where consumerism is the norm, this is a great challenge. Good stuff bro.
I have made up my mind that my little contribution will be to support the less previllaged ones in my environment with the little way that i can
Awesome. Good stuff.