As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I love blogging.
I love being able to spread ideas, make a difference, and connect with amazing people.
I’ve been unofficially coached by a number of great people. People like John, Jeff, Michael, Chris, & Seth.

But I’ve got to say, the funniest of them all is Bryan Allain. I owe so much of who I am as a blogger to Bryan. These videos alone simultaneously revolutionized my life and ended world hunger (one truth and a lie).
I’m here to announce that Bryan has a new book: 31 Days to Finding Your Blogging Mojo. It is utterly fantastic and, quite honestly, one of the best books you could buy as a blogger. There’s something here for everyone (except for your Grandma. She might not like it).
This is seriously the book I wish I had when I first started blogging. I didn’t know blogging books existed and this would have saved me a couple years of mistakes. I’m sure of it.
It’s the perfect book to help take your blog to the next level. And for starters, it’s only $4.99. Even if you hate blogging you should buy it simply for how cheap it is. Matter of fact, your grandma should buy this.
In honor of this landmark book, was able to do a mini-interview with the man, myth, the legend himself, Mr. Bryan Allain:
David: I love the rebrand of your business from “Blog Rocket” to “Killer Tribes“. Why the switch?
Bryan: I wanted to broaden the spectrum of what I can help folks with. Blogging is a big part of what I do, but there are other things that go into building a tribe like networking, social media, focusing your brand, and those sort of things.
I feel like the new name is a better reflection of where I want to take things.
David: What would you say is the most important dynamic in building a tribe?
Bryan: The most important thing is to discover what moves you. What idea are you going to build a tribe around?
I could work super hard to build a tribe around people who love playing lawn darts, but because I’m not passionate about that myself I probably wouldn’t succeed. And if I did, I still lose because I don’t care about lawn darts.
So the first thing you need to do is focus in on what you’re passionate about. Getting this right makes it much easier to find people who resonate with you.
David: So what’s the deal with the word “mojo”?
Bryan: I’m not really sure. It felt like a word that hasn’t gotten as much usage as it should, so I figured I’d use it to spice up the title. My goal was to have a word in the title that would entice interviewers to ask me questions about it, so I guess it worked.
David: How do you manage to work a full time job and write books and blog and coach bloggers and be a husband and a dad and answer interview questions?
Bryan: It’s not easy and I don’t do it well all the time. The way I try to do it is by being disciplined between 6am-7:30am every day, when I know I will have “me” time. I also use my unexpected free time wisely.
If I get a 2-hour window on a saturday afternoon or if my kids are out playing while my wife catches a nap on a Sunday, I’ll put some time in. I know what I want to accomplish each day, so I’m ready when those time pockets open up.
David: What do you hope bloggers will gain from your new book?
Bryan: My #1 goal for bloggers who read the book is that they would really own the concept that their voice matters. If they can tap into the things that move them and start writing from a place of honesty and passion about them, they absolutely will attract other folks into their tribe who resonate with those things as well.
It’s not about working a formula some one else came up with. It’s about being you, caring enough about people to connect with them, and enjoying the journey.
Question: How are you taking your blog to the next level? What has made the biggest difference for you as a blogger? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
My biggest thing has been guys like you David and guys like Bryan, who are willing to take the time to embrace what online community is and can be.
The two of you have been ‘unofficial’ coaches to me. I got an advance copy of 31 days and I am looking forward to re-reading it using the action items and applying them to my blog.
That’s how I am moving to the next level.
Thanks Chris! That’s where the power is – actually applying the book to your blog.
I was going to say something much similar to Chris. Much of what I learn actually start with this blog. You do a great job of being a huge resource as well as being encouraging and challenging while also creating great discussion.
From here, I’ve been to many other blogs and sites and have been exposed to something that is really community. I’m seeing people who comment here also comment on other blogs. Then I find that one person references another person and so on. I am currently subscribed to 64 blogs thanks to you and what I have learned.
I think for now, reading many great authors and just observing and learning is how I will be moving to the next level. One blog at a time. After that, we’ll see, but I’m sure it’ll be great. 😀
My pleasure to help, Jason. Thanks for reading!
I’m focusing on the little tribe I do have, and writing things I’m more passionate about, and just constantly trying to improve my writing voice and style.