As I’m sure you’ve noticed, I love blogging.
I love being able to spread ideas, make a difference, and connect with amazing people.
I’ve been unofficially coached by a number of great people. People like John, Jeff, Michael, Chris, & Seth.

But I’ve got to say, the funniest of them all is Bryan Allain. I owe so much of who I am as a blogger to Bryan. These videos alone simultaneously revolutionized my life and ended world hunger (one truth and a lie).
I’m here to announce that Bryan has a new book: 31 Days to Finding Your Blogging Mojo. It is utterly fantastic and, quite honestly, one of the best books you could buy as a blogger. There’s something here for everyone (except for your Grandma. She might not like it).
This is seriously the book I wish I had when I first started blogging. I didn’t know blogging books existed and this would have saved me a couple years of mistakes. I’m sure of it.