I imagine it’s your goal to be as creative as you can be. But just in case it’s not, here’s a roadmap to ensure you kill every ounce of creativity you’ve got.
1. Neglect Reading
2. Don’t Exercise
4. Hold onto your ideas until they’re perfect
5. Don’t take risks
7. Think poorly of yourself
8. Look for inspiration in all the same places
9. Don’t look for inspiration
11. Just do it tomorrow
12. Only listen to what you agree with
14. Think don’t do
15. Wait for permission
16. Work in the same place all the time
17. Compete with other artists
18. Never Start
19. Ignore other artists
20. Neglect community
21. Do what you always do
22. Only criticize…never do
23. Don’t take notes
24. Try and remember your ideas tomorrow
25. Keep Twitter & Facebook open all day long
26. Make up excuses as to why you can’t
27. Never finish
28. Avoid editing
29. Quit learning
Question: What are some of your creativity killers? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
1. Do something to gain other’s approval
2. Always “color” between the lines
3. Turn on the TV immediately when you get home from work
4. Sit in front of the TV every night
5. Use the TV as background noise
6. Anything involving a TV ๐
I’m talking to myself here – TV kills my creativity
I agree, TV can be such a killer. I would suggest limiting TV intake, but it can also be used as a creativity booster if you’re strategic with it. A good TV show or movie can inspire new ideas, for sure.
TV does kill creativity…I seem to rely on it to ‘switch off’ after work though…but I’m not sure if that’s a good thing. Maybe I should try to ‘switch off’ by being creative. Good idea! Yes I will try that. Ok cool. I’m having a conversation with myself. Yup.
Rachel, all creatives need moments of down time. Sometimes the down time can spark new creativity. The problem is when we create habits of inactivity, which is what TV typically is.
I’m a pastor and I totally agree with the list. The one thing that kills my creativity is not starting. I’ll work on something and work on it and work on it. Pretty soon I’ve never started the task and moved onto the next thing.
I’m with you, Michael. I think it’s possible for we creatives to tweak our art until Jesus comes back ๐ Then no one benefits.
good stuff for sure here.
A lot to process but a lot to put into practice
thanks man. you probably rock all 29 of these to perfection.
ha, i do not know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.
I know i use a lot of these to stop me from being creative ๐
Good list! Three that kill it for me….
never invite a ‘review’ of your work
sleep in.
burn the candle on both ends.
Those are fabulous. So true. Thanks for sharing, Jason.
Fluorescent lighting… I hate it!
Amen to this! That should have been #1.
Love how concise this list is!
I’d add:
*Believe (or trust) others more than yourself
*Keep planning
*Focus on the product more than the process
These are great! Thanks for sharing, Marianne.
Wow…I was reading down the list…and I was like…thats me…thats me…thats me…thats me….
Thanks for awakening!
Arny, you seem like a creative guy. I’m sure you’re not like this all the time!
No…but it is sure an inner war! lol…
Let fear stop you.
Think “if it’s hard, I must be doing something wrong” (if it’s hard, you’re probably doing it right!)
Lose sight of the big picture.
Forget that you are not in control – or constantly try to maintain control.
Forget the importance of beauty.