Corporate worship is distracting. And I believe with all my heart that is a beautiful thing.
More than a few times I’ve heard from people who don’t care to attend church because they can have their “time with Jesus” at home. There’s nothing wrong with ‘Jesus time’ at home. But if it’s a replacement for the gathered singing of the people of God, it is a problem. And I don’t think Jesus would be happy with your decision.
But let’s be honest. Sometimes connecting with God is a challenge in church.
Picture this:
- The LOUD, out of tune singer in front of you.
- The stiff, bored teenager to your left who doesn’t want to be there.
- The operatic harmonies [GOD those awful harmonies] of the woman behind you.
- The loud worship team playing that annoying song again.
- The visitor next to you who has never been in church and is just looking around.
- The oblivious parent who WILL NOT take their screaming child out of the room.
Sure, it’s amazing when you’re in a room full of passionate people pursuing an all-glorious Savior. But there’s something beautiful and necessary about the mess of your church on Sunday.
It’s awkward.
It’s inconvenient.
And it’s beautiful.
Of course, it doesn’t look like Outcry Tour. Your band isn’t that good. Your production isn’t that good. Your budget isn’t that big.
But do you know what makes the CHURCH impressive? It’s not necessarily the creativity and production. It’s the fact that we are the BRIDE of Jesus – the inheritance of an all glorious, Savior.
We are misfits from many walks of life gathered under ONE NAME. We are sinners who’ve screwed up our lives, gathered under ONE CROSS where there is mercy. We are orphans embraced under ONE FATHER, now called sons and daughters.
We are the large, we are the small. We are the rich, we are the poor. We are the smart, we are the uneducated. We are the talented, we are the glossed over. We are the brilliant, we are the broken. We are the church.
And we need your voice in the corporate gathering. And you need that beautiful distraction in your life. It’s a fairy tale to only listen to Bethel records in the comfort of your home. Whether you like the songs or enjoy your band or not, you need Church. And the Church needs you.
Open Your Eyes
How often have you heard this phrase?
Just close your eyes and focus on Jesus. Don’t look at the person on your right or your left. It’s just you and Jesus.”
I’ve said those words before. But I disagree with them now. Matter of fact, I think more of us need to worship with our eyes open. It’s one of the distinctives of corporate singing.
Here’s what I mean: Obviously, there’s nothing wrong with closing your eyes and focusing on Jesus. No one will punish you for such an action. But corporate worship isn’t just about you and Jesus. You and Jesus can have devotions every day. Corporate worship is about being the Church.
It’s about singing together. It’s about lifting each other up. It’s about being in the same room, in close proximity.
Remember the popular verse in Ephesians 5:19?
Speaking to one another in psalms, hymns, & songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord.”
We are to speak to one another. Worship is vertical but it is also horizontal.
So let’s lay aside the comparing and complaining. Let’s speak to one another. Let’s sing together. Let’s be with one another, proclaiming the Lord’s death until He comes.
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I really appreciate the perspective you offer in this post, you present an angle I haven’t considered before. I completely agree with your assertion that folks need corporate worship! Those private times at home are crucial, they should be the maintenance that sustains us between those corporate gatherings, never a substitute for it. Our private worship times are supplementary to the celebration of corporate worship.
What I’ve not really considered is the communal component of the churches congregational time of praise. That’s something for me to pray and meditate on.
One thing I’d suggest, not as a correction but a caution, is be careful about categorizing worship as the song and singing time. I do believe that music accesses an almost primordial piece of our being and is probably the most familiar of expressions of worship and adoration. However, worship is really so much more than that.
I agree, Glynn. Music and singing isn’t the complete definition of worship. However, it is a very Biblical thing to do in our corporate gathering. We need to emphasize how worship isn’t merely singing, but it is a big part of it.
This definitely is a new take on what many have deemed a “problem” (all of the things you listed at the beginning of this!). I like it! It’s something for me to chew on, for sure. I have told people to get in their “Jesus bubble” to worship… to let the distractions of this world fade away so they can focus on Jesus. But what you said, “…corporate worship isn’t just about you and Jesus…”, is SO true! If that was the case, we would all just stay home. Thanks for giving me a new way of thinking about this… it’s exciting!!!
For sure, Heather! I’m learning to appreciate the awkwardness of corporate singing. It’s what makes the Church special. Happy pondering! 🙂
This is a very interesting note/observation. I’ve said those exact words, “Close your eyes and don’t worry about the person to your right or left.” This was always done in an attempt to provide the congregation with a way of not being timid and worshiping Jesus how they wanted to, but were to embarrassed to.
I agree that communal worship should be inclusive of the church attendance for encouragement, understanding and more.
Good thoughts. Knowledge to chew on while on sabbatical.
Have a great sabbatical, Stephen!