I’m not sure if the quote is true, but I’ve seen Eleanor Roosevelt’s wisdom around all over the place. Whether she made said it or not, this advice is golden:
Do one thing every day that scares you.”
When it comes to your life’s work, there is nothing more important. Whether you are an artist, a pastor, an accountant, or a doctor, nothing will define your legacy like doing hard things.
Because we’re all tempted to do what’s easy. And it’s not just social media. Of course, scouring Facebook is a temptation. Hours are lost in the vapor of Instagram. But you can’t just blame social media. You have to own the fact that you are scared. You have to own the fact that you’re not doing the most important things.
You’re avoiding the actions that will make the biggest difference in your ministry. You’re ignoring the steps that will mark people’s lives for the better.
You’re scared of doing what’s hard. And I don’t even have to tell you what to do. You know what it is. Go ahead and think about it. You know the action that teases your mind with its scary difficulty.
Hard Things Are Scary
Why are we so scared?
Because the hard stuff is the work of vulnerability. It’s part of what it means to be human.
- It’s picking up the phone instead of texting or emailing.
- It’s having a face to face conversation instead of gossiping.
- It’s actually writing out that proposal and firing it off to your boss.
- It’s scouring the Scriptures yourself instead of copying Steven Furtick’s sermon.
- It’s finishing that song and putting it in a future setlist.
- It’s praying for that stranger.
- It’s giving over and above your tithe.
- It’s actually writing your book – day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute for the next year until it is done.
- It’s saying, “I’m sorry.”
These things are all scary because you might fail, as Seth Godin would say. There’s no risk in merely responding to emails all day. There’s no adventure in just doing what’s expected. Magic happen when you go over and above – when you see the mundane through the eyes of an artist.
So let’s take action.
What do you need to do today?
What one, single action would make you post proud if it were finished today?
What todo stresses you out? Do that thing. Today. Right now. Watch what happens.
Let’s talk about it in the comments.
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Great read. Thanks for posting this.
Thank you David for this amazing and timely tidbit of wisdom. Whether or not it is a true quote by Eleanor or not, is unimportant to me. What matters is taking risks, stepping out in faith, believing that God can accomplish much with what we believe to be so little. Our offerings or sacrifices become magnified by Him, only through His power, in His timing. I plan on implementing this wisdom today! Thank you for the wise word!