When my schedule gets busy, there’s something I long for more than anything.
Something I crave when I struggle to catch my breath. What is it? A break.
A time to step away from the hustle and bustle – to rest. But that rest has eventually become an obsession.
This holiday season, if yours was like mine, was ample time to veg out and do nothing.
Plop in front of the tube and watch some football. Stuff your face constantly with delicious homemade delights.
I love leisure…and for sure, it is necessary.
The Love Of Leisure
But I love it too much.
I find myself not wanting to go to work in order to just relax. I find myself not wanting to blog in order to just shrivel my mind with mindless entertainment.
Worse, I avoid obeying the Gospel because I love a life of ease and comfort.
I want my life to be easy, but easy isn’t necessarily a virtue.
If you read Scripture, you notice the greatest lives were marked by sacrifice and adventure.
We love great stories because they’re filled with unlikely characters attempting the impossible.
Without difficulty, it ceases to be human.
It seems the holiday season reminds me of something deeper in myself.
Making my life count.
Do Something Difficult
I don’t want to rehearse my good intentions, make excuses, or live an easy life. I want to do hard things.
I want to love following Jesus into the darkest places. I want to make the uncomfortable choice and share Jesus with my annoying neighbor.
But why do I avoid these responsibilities? When do I assume the commands of Scripture don’t apply to me?
I’m realizing that the path of least resistance is usually the path with the least legacy.
When there’s challenge, risk, pain, and adventure, there’s gold to be refined in my character.
And the choice faces you today. What is your decision? Will you take the easy path?
Question: How are you avoiding the easy path and doing hard things for God? Why do we resist so much? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
Man…i think Laziness or complacency is the number 1 enemy of the Gospel…not the devil or the darkness…
it’s our laziness that it has to battle!
My God have mercy on us!
Let us be transformed by the renewing of our minds…
it’s the only way…
Yea, making decisions based on what is easy or safe just isn’t worth it, in my opinion. We don’t want to be rash, but we need to follow Christ into a life of sacrificial service for others, you know?
Love this, “path of least resistance is usually the path with the least legacy.” That makes a great quote!
Hey David, along those same lines, you might check out MLK’s speech “A Knock At Midnight” and the story on my post today http://www.robstill.com/never-alone-inspired-by-martin-luther-king-jr/
I agree with Rob. That’s a great quote. In fact, I got on here to tell you just that because I already posted it on my FB status…no worries David I gave you credit 😉
No need to give credit ;). I’m just happy if the message is shared! Thanks Gregg.
Agreed! Enjoying a day off with the band at the beach, coffee at our favorite place, dinner then ice cream on the beach!
Living the good life 🙂
fyi….changed address to my blog http://www.theanalogoustruth.wordpress.com
There is no such thing as an easy life. I would die for a wife, a regular job, and the life that 90% of people in Canada or America have. I would literally die for it. I would even die for a wife and poverty. Just a wife, a single family member, and poverty, barely eating. I would die to have that life.
Any of you can preach Jesus wherever you are. You can share your faith. Tell of the good things he has done. I see no reason to take away your comfort. Consider it a blessing from God. Enjoy it while you have it. Those of you who have a spouse and a place to sleep, and enough food to stay alive, you are the envy of my eye. Remember people like me and may God reward you from heaven.
Read Ecclesiastes, there is nothing better in life than to enjoy the work of your hands, your wife, and to keep the commandments of God which is your whole duty.
Don’t forget the poor and alone. The fatherless. It is them who you will be answering to Jesus for when he says,
35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?
38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee?
39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?
40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.