Do you find yourself obsessed with preparation? Do you hesitate making decisions and taking responsibility today because of fear?
Welcome to the club.
I once heard a preacher say that we spend so much time perfecting our aim, that we never actually shoot.
Does that describe you?
Writing this blog has been an absolute joy for me. I’ve learned a ton, have connected with some amazing people, and get to influence others on a daily basis.
But I also fight insecurity every day.
Every. Stinking. Day.
Can I share with you the voices I hear? Maybe they resemble yours.
- “You’re only 27 and don’t know enough to teach others”
- “Other worship leaders are WAY more qualified than you”
- “You don’t know enough to succeed”
- “So and so is so much better than you”
- “Stop embarrassing yourself and play it safe”
Sound familiar?
Good. Well, I have some bad news and I have some good news.
Bad News and Good News
The bad news?
Those voices are probably right. You probably don’t know enough to teach others. There are others more qualified. There are thousands of people more talented than you. Probably millions, actually.
But you know what?
Who cares?
The good news is, it doesn’t matter. You don’t have to wait until some magical age in order to start influencing. You don’t need to wait until you have your master’s degree or your doctorate or your SAT score above a 1200.
You don’t need to be the best at anything to start doing something.
What do you need?
1. You need a passion – What is it that causes you to wake up in the morning? What legacy do you want to leave; what difference do you want to make in the world? Go and do that.
2. You need to befriend failure – If you’re a human, you hesitate to take a risk for fear of failure. What if instead of fearing it, you befriended it? What if you gave yourself the freedom to fail often in 2012? With each failure you’ll get closer and closer to doing something amazing.
3. You need to keep learning – The minute you consider yourself an expert is the minute you’re not even close. What makes someone an expert is that they know they can never “arrive” and they keep pushing themselves to learn. They’re relentless. We usually flip this around and feel we need eons of schooling before we start. Forget it. Start while you learn.
When faced with big decision, we hide. We start hiding behind good things to procrastinate doing the best thing.
We read just one more book. We go get one more degree. We “pray” about it (yes, prayer can be a form of hiding and disobedience).
Greatness doesn’t start with big stages and big paychecks. It starts with a simple decision today. And you don’t need anything else to make a difference. Experience will come as you go and make something happen.
So stop hesitating and start doing. Today.
Question: what decision are you making today that will make a difference in the world? Let’s challenge each other in the comments.
Love this article David. It’s true – we quite often ask questions of ourselves that never existed in the first place. I love the line in Jesus Culture’s “Burning ones” – “Let our passion bring You fame.” God is raising up a passionate generation of His people. Let’s get it out there and make a difference for Him! Bless you man.
I agree, Ed. That’s a great line. I want my life to be lived for more than just myself, you know?
oh yeah…been there and still there!
We are about 3 quaters of the way through in recording our album…and it does get to you man…all these thoughts start coming up…like…you are not good enough…people won’t like it…you are wasting your time…
and it can get kinda overwhelming…
but i have to say….when we actually play and lead worship…all that flees away in the presence of my God…and thats when I know….no matter what….It’s all Worth it…because of HIM…our number 1 fan!
An audience of one, right?
I’ve learned that the more I can ignore those “I’m not good enough”, “nobody will like this” thoughts, the better off I am.
To pastor.
I’m 29 with little experience. The church I pastor is a restart, which has it’s challenges. But God loves to do that. He loves to use the ill-equipped for His glory.
“We have this treasure in Jars of Clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.”
Thanks for doing what you’re doing.
David, such truth here! Well said.
I have this statement that I have tried to live by for the past few years.
“Don’t wait for permission to be the artist that you already are.”
The only permission that we need has already been given to us because God created us as creators and artists. It would be a shame to wait for someone else to tell us we can when God has already said so.
Aubrey, I love it! God’s permission is all we need, right?