Ever wonder why you do what you do?
I have that problem often.
There’s people who are so much better than me. There are better singers. There are better musicians. There are better songwriters. There are more organized, administrative people better suited to lead a ministry. There are better leaders, better looking people, people with more experience.
I know, this is starting to sound ridiculous. I could keep going and before you know it, disqualify myself from doing anything in life. Why? Because I’m insecure. Because I don’t want to fail. I don’t want to be seen as a fake. I don’t want to be looked down upon.
If I’m honest, sometimes I just want to hide and play it safe. I don’t want to put myself out there on this blog. I don’t want to step up on stage and lead worship. I don’t want to share that song I wrote. I don’t want to cast a vision and lead my team towards the attainment of goals.
That’s a risk. It might fail. I might be responsible. I might get my heart broken.
But what’s the alternative? Doing nothing. Hiding. Playing it safe. In my opinion, that is the greatest risk of all.
If you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone.
You’re not alone in your fear.
You’re not alone in your insecurity.
You’re not alone in your doubts.
Let’s just get honest and put it all on the table today. Is that OK?
Cameras & Mirrors
Think of the difference between a mirror and a camera. A mirror highlights one thing – you and your world. You can see other things in a mirror but only as you compare it to yourself. A camera focuses on others (besides a selfie, of course. That’s for another post).
We need to be less consumed with ourselves and more focused on the difference we are making in the world around us.
There’s a couple passages of Scripture I want to quote that speak to this type of situation.
“Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; not many were of noble birth. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong” (I Corinthians 1:27).
If you’re feeling foolish, awkward, unqualified for what you do, in that is your qualification. God doesn’t call the self righteous to glorify themselves. He calls those who will give him glory. He calls those who know their own depravity and brokenness.
It’s those kinds of people who make the biggest difference. They don’t shine a light upon themselves to mesmerize the masses. They cause others to look upon the glories and perfection of Christ.
Cameras, not mirrors.
What to Do if You’re Not the Best
So if you feel out of place, take heart that God called you for a reason.
You might not have the greatest voice in the world…but you have your voice.
You might not be the strongest, most charismatic leader…but you are still a leader…and your people need YOU.
You might not be the best in the world…but God doesn’t just call the best in the world. And let’s be honest. The best in the world are the best in the world because they chose to get vulnerable. They decided to get in the game. They made a choice to risk.
Remember the parable of the talents? Think of your gifts, talents, ministry, calling as something God has entrusted you with. When you view it that way, it gives more weight to the calling. You are literally responsible to use it.
You are a steward of God’s grace. You are a vessel of His mercy.
“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (I Peter 4:10).
You are a gift. Who you are is a gift. The talent you possess is a gift. And it’s your responsibility to use it. It’s a waste of time to compare yourself. It’s an insult to God to disqualify yourself. You’ve already been called and qualified. If I may be so bold, shut up and rise up.
Let’s dialogue. How do you deal with the constant plague of insecurity, fear, and doubt? Let’s talk about it in the comments.
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Boom! That one hit home David… You uncovered something we often feel, yet often hide.
When Samuel went to anoint David, he was basing his selection on what he could see. But God reminded him it’s the heart that matters.
God has anointed and set His seal of approval on each of us. there is no other approval that counts or that is needed when you realise you’ve been approved by God of all creation!
2 Corinthians 1:21-22
21 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, 22 set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.
So true. Thanks for the heart reminder. It’s always more about what can’t be seen. Integrity!
David well put our greatest strength is our weakness to be strong we need humility and dependence on God Weakness or fear is essential to walking a life of faith one doesn’t exist with out the other.We trust in God despite our insecuritys our weaknesses show us our desparate need for him in everything and in that weakness we are made perfect.Its the same process that John the Baptist spoke of we must decrease so he can increase.I am thankful that my confidence is not in my ability or in what I can do it is God in me who touchs lives I submit to the work that he is doing in me and trust him with all my heart that he knows best.brentnz
Great information….thank you David !!
David this is a fantastic post and it’s truth on so many levels! I, myself can be so insecure at times. I often worry what others think about me or whether I’m doing what God has called me to do or not. In those moments of doubt it’s ridiculously easy to just find a quiet, isolated place and hide there.
But that doesn’t glorify His Kingdom. And He didn’t built a path for us that leads to a quiet, isolated spot. He gave us the free will to choose what we’re going to do and how we’re going to act. So are we going to choose what’s easy? Or are we going to choose to take action down the path God created for us, despite how we feel or how we think others may view us?
Excellent post, my friend!
Thomas that is an important thought you raised one I was wrestling over with a song the holy spirit helped me write the tune it is a rock and roll tune.Is it appropriate what will people think our church is pretty traditional recently I sung a country gospel song as I like that genre but it was different to the norm.As it turned out people really liked it so you never know.All these question running thru my mind.I came to the conclusion that it is the message that is important and the message is really good it tells how I was saved and what lead me to make that decision.So it is okay to share it with others its having the wisdom who knows that if I step out in faith trusting in God it may help someone else to also take that step of faith,I was talking to another brother yesterday and he had prepared a talk but didn’t follow thru on his original message as he thought people might be offended.Afterwards he realised that his original message fitted in really well witrh the service and he felt he didn’t really say what he wanted to say.I think our messages need to be provoking the body to action putting Gods word out there so that it can either convict or convince people with the truth.brent
Great article, David. In the past month or so I’ve been camping on this scripture: Psalm 84:4-5 How blessed are those who dwell in Your house! They are ever praising You. How blessed is the man whose strength is in You, In whose heart are the highways to Zion!
When I am singing his praise and placing my strength in him. I encounter him on highways to heaven (Zion) established in my heart. I’m able to (as a leader) lead others through hard things because of those highways… What has struck me even more… highways are not one way.. I (we) see his kingdom come here on earth – as in heaven and not ONLY for our own good but his glory as well.
Sing his praise and put my strength in him – highways to (and from) heaven show up.
Thank you for this post! I didn’t know how much I needed to hear this until I started reading and tears started falling.
I have such an AMAZING worship team; full of seasoned veterans both in the church and in worship. I am constantly reminded of my own inequity when it comes to leading them. I am honored that God chose me to lead this team and humbled that they willingly follow me. When you wrote … you may not me the strongest or best but … “your people need YOU” – that’s what really ministered to me today.
So much so that I actually made one of those inspirational posters! It’s not great, but hey it’s the first one I’ve ever made! I just posted it to your Facebook page – hope you don’t mind!
Thanks again!
Anessa there is also a difference between a gifting and a calling as you can be gifted or talented but a calling is not dependant on your ability its more likely that you find yourself way outside your comfort zone but that’s good as it makes you dependant on God.On sunday as I took a couple of songs for the worship it wasn’t about what I did the Lord wanted me to share his message it just came thru the music and it was powerful he was amazing how he touched peoples hearts including mine really sensed the holy spirit at work.The outcome was not dependant on my ability at all and yes there are way better singers and musicians than me but when the Lord chooses to work thru us that is humbling and amazing brentnz