[This post is part of a series on Tips For Taking Your Worship Team To The Next Level. Check out the rest here.]
One of the best things we’ve done with our worship team is utilize a click track and play live loops. It improves the quality of your band while introducing new sonic textures.
In this post I’d like to introduce you to a few great online resources for making this happen at your church. I recently did a post on Creating a Click Track Using Garageband, which you may want to check out. Here follows some of the best resources I’ve found.

Here we go:
1. LOOPS IN WORSHIP – This is a fantastic resource for all things loops in worship (hence, the name of the website). While the design looks fantastic and has been chosen as a top resource by Worship Leader Magazine, it really does have some great courses, tools, and blog. So if you’re a looping pro or simply want to learn more about what it takes, grab a cup ‘o joe, a snuggie, and cuddle up with this site. Brilliant stuff. Be sure to follow them on Twitter as well. And leave the Snuggie where it is.
2. LOOPING WORSHIP – Another sweet website for loop crazed folks. What I love about this site is the ability to download FREE loops for songs and also REQUEST a custom loop. Maybe you have all the gear you need but lack the time to actually CREATE your own loops. Look no further than Looping Worship. Show some love and follow them on Twitter.
3. LOOP COMMUNITY – Download loops, submit loops, all to your heart’s content. I love seeing how many loops are created in Propellerhead Reason (affiliate link), the software I use to create my own. There are some great sounding, easy to implement loops over here. You can follow them on Twitter here.
4. BWACKS FORUM – If you are remotely interested in loops, you’ve probably been influenced by the looping craziness of the David Crowder Band. Most of their songs are built entirely on programmed loops that are intricate, creative, and just plain weird (in an awesome way). This forum is the online community of the DCB, where you can interact with other loop-a-holics, share your stories, and even download loops. Sounds scary, huh? Exactly why you should check it out!
5. MULTITRACKS – What I love most about Multitracks is that you can get original masters from the recordings. This is great if you want to add other instruments to the mix besides drums, say strings, percussion, guitars, you name it. There’s also an incredible training page to figure out what you need to get started.
While I recommend the use of click tracks and loops for your team, it is not a necessity. I think it builds discipline in your musicians but the presence of God can still anoint your team regardless. These are mere suggestions that I definitely recommend you explore. Why not try it?
Question: What other resources have you found for using loops in your services? Any loop creators out there? Would love to hear about your setup. You can leave a comment by clicking here.
Thanks for getting all this info in one place. Very nice.
No problem, Jeff! Hope it helps!
THIS IS AWESOME! I’ve been wondering how to get into loops, thanks David.
No problem! These are great sites.
Thanks so much for mentioning the site, David! The other sites you mentioned are great as well. Phillip at Interactive Worship Live is great guy and they have a great thing going. For those new to the Loops in Worship site our Welcome page http://liw.co/bHKLEu may be of use. Thanks again for taking the time to put this together!
Will Doggett
No problem, Will. Thanks for putting together a great site. Keep up the good work!
Thanks man. I didn’t really know of any sites beyond loopsinworship.com. Looking forward to checking the other ones out.
Do you purchase and download loops or do you make your own?
I’ve made my own just once. It’s more work than I usually have time for in my week so finding loops others have made is kind of my go to option for now.
It is a time consuming thing for sure.
As I’ve created loops throughout the years, I’ve picked up a few techniques along the way to help me “speed up” my production process. I tend to believe that ultimately using loops “you’ve” created help you hand craft a sound for your band better in the end. Even if you’re using “pre-made” material, I always think it should be tweaked/and chopped up to get it exactly where you want it Here’s a few tips for speeding up the loop process. http://www.loopsinworship.com/blog/transitioning-your-band-to-using-loops/5-ways-to-speed-up-your-loop-production-process/
Thanks for the link, Will. Really helpful stuff.
http://dbworship.com/loops has a good list going.
I get a lot that we use through praisecharts.com also. Not free though.
awesome. thanks Ryland. I’ll have to check them out.
Thanks for including us in this list–we’ve been making loops for quite awhile, but I feel like I’m always picking up something new from you guys (other worship leaders, loopers, etc.)!
Also, I know we here at LW.com have been inspired by Kyle’s loops over on OurRisingSound.com. If you haven’t checked it out yet, definitely swing by there–he’s got some pretty awesome loops available as well that we’ve all used in worship services!
Thanks for your shout-out again!
No problem, Nick! Thanks for the recommendation. I’ll check it out for sure.
I find all of my worship loops at Loop Community ( http://www.loopcommunity.com )
They have just about every song you need, and its continually growing because users submit their own content. Great site.
Agreed, Andy. Loop community is great. Although I’ve been making fewer loops because of how good they are!
Thanks for the mention of LoopCommunity.com! Glad we’re able to be a resource for so many people!
I just recently attended an area Worship Leaders Gathering in my neck of the woods (Greater Seattle/Metro area) and the topic from our presenter was on using loops in worship. I was greatly intrigued, but like many, most lack the time to be able to create loops. I am very glad that you posted these resources. They will at least get me started in using loops, and hopefully, down the road, I can do my own. (mainly because it could be a lot of fun.
we started getting into the “game” about a year and half ago with click tracks and then loops now using multi-tracks (stems) with an ableton setup at our worship sites. the most expensive yet my favorite site is multitracks.com because much of the time you can get the original tracks from the album. each song is about $35 though so its quite pricey. beef up those music budgets!
We use multitracks too, on occasion. You’re right – I’m not a fan of the price but it really does add some nice texture to the music.