I love writing series posts on the blog because they really enable us to dig a bit deeper into the most important topics. Rather than just reading one quick blog post, you can gain a wider vision from my writings, lots of insightful comments, and super wise guest posters.
Here are the blog series’ that I’ve covered so far.
How To Practice Better
As a musician, improvement comes not just by putting in the hours. It comes from putting in better hours – deliberate, focused practice. In this series I outline tips for specific instruments and how to improve.
Check it out here!

Your Guide to Selecting and Leading Songs for Worship
We worship leaders never get a break from leading and selecting songs. Sure worship is a “lifestyle”, but for us it’s also work. Finding the right songs, writing good songs, and leading effectively are things we always need to do.
Check out the series here!
Tips for Taking Your Worship Team to the Next Level
We all want to know how to take our worship teams to the next level. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, I offer some practical tips that you may want to consider from using loops, to solidifying your vision, to some great guest interviews, and more.
Check out the series here!
Helping Your Volunteers Feel Valued & Significant
While this is only a two-part series, they are two of my most popular posts. It’s important how we care for our volunteers and also lead them as part of a big vision.
- Check out Part 1, “Why I’m Stepping Down From Your Worship Team” here!
- Check out Part 2 of “Why I’m Stepping Down From Your Worship Team” here!
Leading Your Team & Congregation Through Worship Tensions
Tension is the name of the worship leading game. Is it about connecting with God? Is it about engaging the people? Is it about leading your band? The answer is ‘Yes’. If you lead worship, you need to check out this series.
Check it out here!
What Does It Mean To Be A Christian Musician?
Opinions fly when it comes to this topic. In this series we will discuss the marks of a Christian musician. What sets us apart from the world? Is it our lyrics? Is it our lifestyle? Or does being a Christian have nothing to do with our art?
Check it out here!
Your Guide To Practicing The Essential Skills Of A Worship Leader
You’ve heard your whole life that you need to practice the piano, trumpet, clarinet, and flute. But what about practicing worship leading? What are the essential skills needed to become great? That’s what this new series is all about.
Check it out here!