The song “That All May Worship” was directly inspired by one of the most uncomfortable Bible passages that I know of – Amos 5:18-27. The harsh language that God used towards the Israelites really made me think about the nature of our worship today. I like to think of this song as a “redeemed” cry of Israel.
Throughout the Old Testament era Israel was a stubborn, rebellious nation. They were called to reveal the one true God to the nations – instead they peddled in the pagan sins of those very nations. Amos chapter 5 expresses Israel’s sin of longing for the coming day of God, yet refusing to lay their lives down and extend their hands in true justice and mercy “today”.
They were neglecting the poor. They refused justice and righteousness in court. They despised the truth – all the while living in luxurious mansions, caring for lush vineyards.
It is GOOD to desire the coming day of God (In the New Testament we are actually commanded to speed its coming), but if we are neglecting the very will of God for today, than something is wrong. I pray that this song would be a “redeemed” cry of Israel for the church today – that we would shout with expectancy, “Come Lord!”, yet at the same time give our lives away for the Kingdom and glory of God on earth today.
I had the verse and chorus crafted for months and couldn’t seem to give it that finishing touch. My good friend, Brad Bichsel, helped me write a bridge that really blows the top off for me. I love the choir of voices that help me sing on the bridge. I suggest you lend your voice as well.
We worship the risen Christ who is calling all nations to Himself!
We are waiting for the kingdom come
We are desperate for Your glory, God
We are longing for the coming day
When every tribe and tongue will see Your face
Yet today we pray
Yes, our lives will say today
Let justice roll through our actions
Let mercy extend through our hands
That Christ may be seen by the nations
That all may worship Him
We worship the Lamb that was slain
We worship the Christ Who was stained
For the nations of earth to kneel and proclaim
You are God
That is just beautiful, and just the kind of worship song that I want to sing to our Lord.
Thank you David, for taking the time to post the story behind the songs!!!
No problem. My prayer is that these songs lead people to spend more time in the Word. Thanks for your comments.