Through my battle with dermatomyositis, this is a song that placed air in my lungs when I could barely breathe (figuratively, that is). Not because it’s such a well crafted song, but because the Scriptures are truly life-giving. I needed a song that voiced these truths for me, even though I was too weak to sing it.
Hebrews has always been one of my favorite books, due to its glorification and vivid description of Jesus as our high priest. There is nothing we face on this earth that causes Jesus to spill His coffee and fall off his throne. I have been on the verge of despair many times, but the truth that we “do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weakness, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are, yet with out sin” (Heb. 4:15), can keep the most depressed soul afloat – mine included.
Oh, where would I be without the Savior Jesus who intercedes for me!
The verses of this song speak of human weakness and God’s strength. The chorus is a cry to draw near to God with lines taken directly from Scripture (I hope the writer of Hebrews isn’t upset with me in Heaven!).
This is what we must do in times of pain and times of joy – always draw near to our God who loves us and carries our burdens. My heart seems to return to the truth of this song and these scriptures quite often because I’m so prone to forget!
My challenge to you today is this: feed your soul with the rock-solid Truth of Scripture. Don’t just read it like you read a good novel or watch a good movie. Hang on every word. Apply it to your darkest circumstances. Believe it till your last, dying breath. God’s Word will never let you down.
When all is lost
When all seems broken
I tell myself that You are worthy
There is no pain
There is no struggle
You have not felt and cannot conquer
We have this great High Priest
Jesus, the righteous Son of God
We have this Sovereign King
Who’s given us access to His throne
So let us draw near with hearts of faith
To find all we need at the throne of grace
Let us draw near to God
Let us draw near to His heart
When my heart is weak
No song seems to surface
I stir up my soul to bow in worship
There is no time
No season, no suffering
Where You are no longer worth my offering
We will draw near
We will draw near to You, O Lord
We will draw near
Press into knowing You, Jesus
Lovely, David. I have traveled this same road and I could not have made it through without turning it over to the Lord. The song is beautiful!