Don’t you just love to dream?
To stare possibility in the face and rule it with an iron fist?
Yes you do. You’re a dreamer. A challenger of the status-quo. Someone with a mission to change the world.
Exciting, right?
Until, of course, you realize you’re unqualified.
What then?
Just the other day, I was going for a walk, rehearsing the idea of potential projects, goals, and ways to leave a mark on the world in 2013.
Walks are like that for me – helping me clear my head and see the big picture of my life.
The walk started out refreshing, but ended in a cold sweat. I was terrified. Mainly because everything I wanted to do was impossible – I was “unqualified” for all of it.
Maybe it was resistance. Maybe it was the truth.
But I couldn’t ignore the voices in my head:
– You never finished college
– You’re too young
– Your insight isn’t brilliant enough
– Your teeth aren’t white enough
– You’re a poser, a fake
Excuses. Excuses. Excuses. It was like these tiny little monsters were attacking my psyche, convincing me to give up.
I’m sure you know them well. Anytime you attempt anything worthwhile, they are poised, ready to strike.
I’ve come to believe that when I hear these excuses loud and clear, I’m probably creating something that needs to be shared.
Without the little monsters, I’m playing it too safe.
Are you?
The Truth About Qualifications
Want to know the truth about being qualified? You are qualified when you decide to be.
Sure, you have to work and develop and stretch yourself. You have to put in the time.
Just speaking something doesn’t make it true.
But successful, status-quo shaking creativity and art starts with a decision.
I want you to say this out loud: “I am qualified.” Say it again. Write it down.
You need to believe that God has called you to do great things.
What Are You Going to Do?
What does this look like for you?
Maybe you need to…
- Lead worship with boldness
- Record that demo
- Lead your worship song in service
- Make a disciple
- Speak up
- Learn how to play guitar
- Preach
- Blog
- Challenge the status quo
- Give someone else a chance
- Stop procrastinating
- Write that book
- Organize a missions trip
All of this involves art. Because it can all be done in unique, creative, life-changing ways.
This isn’t just positive thinking, mumbo-jumbo. This is believing God. This is about not disqualifying yourself.
I don’t know exactly what this looks like for you.
But you do.
You are qualified when you decide to be. And I’m just going to say it.
You are an artist.
So let’s discuss.
What art do you need to be creating? Why are you stalling?
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Good word. I’m not gonna lie: I’ve worried my teeth are not white enough before.The Deceiver is indeed crafty and will stop at nothing to introduce self doubt.
Agreed. Oftentimes it’s the dumbest things that can derail us.
Hi David, greetings from Down Under! Thanks so much for being such a blessing by creating this place where we can share and bounce ideas off each other, and for sharing your experience and thoughts.
Good discussion and it’s so true…we were just talking about this after church today. The enemy tries to bring us down and prevent us from worshiping God in every way possible. It’s probably worse when we’ve been called to some sort of leadership position in the body of Christ.
I think what it essentially boils down to is why we are doing this. The truth is that we are all unqualified…I’m not talking about musical skills, etc. but without being covered in Christ our Righteousness, we are unqualified to be in the presence of the One who is holy and above all others, let alone lead His people in worship.
It’s probably a bit vague and abstract putting it in this way since this looks different for everyone’s journey, but if He has called us to step up, then He will equip us to do what He has called us to do. We just need to be available, obedient and trust/leave the results in His hands (let Him be God). 🙂
Viv, this is so true. Those He calls He also equips! Thanks.
I played in the high school band. Which led to me play guitar in a garage band with my friends. It got me interested in Music Production. I went to College for it and never finished. Working a regular job I bough some equipment but never really took off with it. After relocating to Springfield IL, I’m finally getting a real opportunity to record people and learn to craft I desperately want to get good at. In all of that I’m going to put out my own album. Which in my mind i was never qualified for cause I’m not the best writer, guitar player, or singer. After reading your article I will declare, “I’m qualified.”
Love this, Chris! It’s too easy to disqualify ourselves when all we need is a little bravery and step out there.