You probably didn’t wake up this morning praying for weakness.
You don’t go to work in order to demonstrate your inadequacy. But if the power of God is made perfect in weakness, shouldn’t we pursue intentional weakness?

We musicians are a competitive bunch. Our stomach churns when we see someone who is better than us.
To be honest, we’re not very proud of our weaknesses, much less delight in them.
But have you ever found it strange that God chooses the weak to do the greatest exploits?
Look through the pages of Scripture and you’ll see a bunch of rejects that God used to accomplish great things.
Moses couldn’t speak. Paul was a murderer. David couldn’t control his lust. Still each of them was used to shake their generation.
Why does God choose the weak?
God chooses the weak because he can trust them. He can trust that they won’t steal His glory.
But there seems to be a contradiction. If God chooses the weak, why do we need to work so hard? Does God overlook the diligent workers in order to use those who can’t possibly take any glory?
What is the relation of our weakness and God’s strength?
I don’t know about you, but I like to work hard. But I also want God to use me.
How does this work?
I can think of at least 3 truths:
1. Work in the strength of God
Whenever you set out to do your work or make your art – do it mindful of God. Without God, you have no mental power to problem solve. Without God, you have no creativity to draw from. He is the reason you can do anything.
Perspective like this will keep you humble in the midst of your hard work.
2. Identify what your weakness makes possible
We all have weakness. We all have a disability – a “thorn” in the flesh. Rather than focusing on how it hinders you, focus on what it makes possible.
Maybe you’re able to minister to a certain demographic because of it. In 2 Corinthians Paul goes so far as to say he delights in hardships because God is made known. Don’t waste it.
3. Trust the Holy Spirit
I wonder how much we actually trust the Holy Spirit in our ministry. To know that in every ministry context, every moment we step outside, he is moving through us. Start being more mindful of this. Sure, your hard work makes a difference, but it’s the Holy Spirit within you that produces eternal life change.
In the Kingdom of God, it’s not the most talented who wins.
It’s not the hardest worker.
It’s the man and women of God who knows they are nothing without Jesus. They work in the strength of God. They delight in their weakness. They trust the Holy Spirit.
Please, do the work. Please, create. Please, make something happen every single day.
But realize there’s more to life than just hard work. The Holy Spirit is moving…through…you.
Question: I need your feedback. If the power of God is made perfect in weakness, what place does our hard work have? Let’s dialogue in the comments.
I can hear the pin being pulled from the gernade. this was a great post. i am convinced now more than ever, that a key ingredient in navigating our Christian walk is learning which part of thiis new life is our responsibility, and which part is exclusivly God’s. Those invisible lines. I think as long as i never loose sight of who i was without Jesus, i cant own any credit for a single beautiful, or benificial thing that is produced by this life that was quite literaly brought back from filth and a fast track to hell.
great job.
Thanks Sean! My tendency is to work, work, work and do, do do. God is challenging to me to trust more and realize that He is moving in all circumstances and situations. As a worship leader, it’s freeing to know that the Holy Spirit is drawing people to Himself as I lead. Thanks for the comment!
We can’t lose sight of the Holy Spirit, and who we really are, who we have now become – Phil.Christ no longer Phil.Vento
BTW Dave, I have a good problem 🙂 my inbox is filling up with your post’s, I just can’t seem to figure out which one(s) to delete 🙂 God is soooo good!
I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not 🙂
Lol, let me clarify it is a compliment!! You know me I’m all about encouragement, ’cause I certainly appreciate receiving some 🙂 And your posts are challenging and always an encouragement.
Our weaknesses provide more opportunity for God to be glorified in us, as you said, but we still have to work for the results just like anyone else. I think the hard work that we put into it helps us to realize that without God, that would NOT have turned out the way it did, and we probably would have had to work even harder with more stress and pressure. And during that hard work, we rely on God more because we know that we can’t do it, at least not well, it’s our weakness.
Isn’t it funny how when we feel like we’ve messed up the most, people seem to be the most blessed? In those “weak” moments God displays His strength to meet His people’s needs.
Let’s face it God can use anything he chooses to, whether or not the actor is totaly relying on Him, BUT our weakness or let’s say total dependance, is the opportunity God takes to demonstrate His glory. Jesus said “I will build MY church” We are partakers with eternal life itself invoked to action not works. As branches extending from the vine, cut a branch the vine survies, even thrives, cut the vine it all dies.
Rockin’ post bro! This is a lesson that God taught me over the last 5 years or so. I even wrote a song about this before I fully understood it. If God’s power is made perfect in our weakness then why have I prayed to be made whole for so long? Do I even want to be whole or “strong”?
Love it!
Paul, would love to hear the song!
What place does hardwork have? Why kind sir it is our “reasonable sacrifice” unto the Lord. We are supposed to “give our best” and it is sweet worship unto Him….Yes? Well then our hardwork is worship and He inturn stregthens us to continue to reflect HIS glory.
I have been thinking about this all my life. Why does God use the weak? It is always kind of puzzling. But,who in their right mind would say?” God, I can do this for you. God, I got your back”. God detests the proud. “Pride and a haughty spirit come before a fall”. Rather we offer our excuses to God based on our own insecurities. To start with, it passes the humility test. We see ourselves as incapable. If we honestly don’t see ourselves that way, we are in the proud group. Wrong to start with. Next, we are not smart enough to know what we need, to get the job done. Truth is, we are not smart enough to even see what the job is. God knows our strengths and weaknesses. I have never thought of Moses as weak. Moses thought God needed a public speaker to lead the people. God knew He needed some one with faith and unwavering courage. God knew what Moses was capable of , but Moses couldn’t see it. And just when we think we have it figured out, we are back in the proud failing, falling group.
I agree with your points one and three. I,m not sure we can ever accomplish number two. Is that like telling God “I got it now”.
Right back in the wrong group. Also I think Paul never got a grip on his “weakness” outside of “Gods Grace is sufficient”. That’s how God makes sure we depend and trust on Him. If that is your number two, then I do agree. All we can do is work with humility at what is before us, and trust God for His own timing and results. Many times we think we are doing something for God by appearances, while He is doing something we are not even aware of. We are not even smart enough to know what the task is, yet God still gets the Glory. GOD ALWAYS GETS THE GLORY!!!
Yep, I was referring to what “God’s grace” makes possible in our lives. Weakness is a place for God’s strength to shine, if we allow it. Make sense?
It makes perfect sense. We agreed,essentially. You are just more concise. It is my nature to probe for someone’s deeper meaning to understand them. Too many times I have seen people use the exact same words, and you can tell at a deeper level they are 180% apart. More dialog is then needed for clarification. I think where I am, I can’t know myself well enough to identify what is possible in my weakness. I think God allows us to have dreams and interests (if we seek His will in them) to keep us motivated. I view it more as, that is my blind side. If I can see what God can do with it (me) then I fear I fall back into the proud group. I view it more as, that is God’s way of keeping me honest and depending totally on Him. Kind of a double blind test for honesty and humility.
God doesn’t want another guitar player. He wants my heart. ( I clicked the submit button a second too soon.)