Just because you’re a leader doesn’t mean you have this. It doesn’t just come with the title.
It also doesn’t just show up because you’re busy. It’s an intentional choice to become this kind of leader.
What kind of a leader, might you ask? An influencing leader.
Have you ever been frustrated in your leadership? Like you wish your team would just “get it”? You’ve seen other great teams and wish yours would get the memo?
If you’re not modeling what you want to see happen, there won’t be congruency in your team.
- If you want a worshiping team, lead the way in intimate, give-it-your-all worship.
- If you want a prepared team, be the leader who is more prepared than anyone else.
- If you want a more creative team, challenge yourself to more personal creative exploration.
Because it comes down to influence. You want to be the kind of person who influences. A great leader will influence their team to prime effectiveness. But not every leader is an influencer. Some leaders actually drive people the other direction because of their distance, lack of personality, terrible communication, or not caring enough.
5 Ways to Increase Your Influence
So the question begs to be asked: How can one become and influencer? I’m glad you asked.
1.Work On Your Personality – You don’t have to change who you are, but ask yourself the question, “Would I want to hang out with me?” Influencers have a good personality. They are fun, interesting, encouraging, and real. They possess a certain magnet because they bring out the best in people. Others want to be close because they’re motivated to stretch further, become better. On a side note, be interesting. What makes someone interesting? They are interested in diverse things, a lot of things. They look at the world with wide eyed wonder. If all you seem to be interested in is a full Planning Center schedule and how your team performs, no one will stick around.
2. Challenge Others – Deep down, nobody wants to stay the same. We crave challenge. Matter of fact, Dan Pink in his book, Drive, talks about what makes people happy and successful in their careers. In addition to autonomy and mastery, is challenge. We don’t want to be a part of something so difficult we can’t do it, but we also don’t want to be a part of something too easy we can sleep through. There needs to be the right amount of challenge because challenge motivates.
3. Get Results – Results are what give you credibility. If you’re all talk and coffee meetings, but have nothing to show for it, people will move on. I know it sounds harsh, but people crave momentum. They want to be a part of something that is moving. That’s why large, unified crowds are called a movement. Your rehearsals should have a goal and produce a positive result. Weekend worship should have a goal and produce a positive result in the people you work with.
4. Celebrate People – As a leader, your words matter more than you know. Without encouraging words from specific people, I may not be leading worship. I would never have created Beyond Sunday Worship. Never underestimate the power of your words and the destiny-shaping effect they have on people. Celebrate them, lavish encouragement, speak deep into their destiny.
5. Pursue Depth in God – An influencing leader doesn’t just model outward productivity. There’s an inward life in God that is attractive. They don’t have to know everything, but they need to have a private integrity that supports public ministry. But even if all the leadership, influence, and ministry were taken away, they would be satisfied in knowing Jesus. You can tell who those people are. There’s a depth, a reality that is stronger than anything else.
What about you?
What determines influence? How can you be a more influencing leader?
Let’s talk it out. You can leave a comment here.
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David. Thank you for this list. I would add a #6 to these worthy ambitions:
6- A working knowledge of the scriptures that mandates all actions and gives them credence as well as authority and power. There are very good reasons this point is omitted in most blogs discussing music and leadership.
—We learn that not all who purport to do for God are accepted by God as worthy.
I John 4:1-6 “Dear friends, don’t believe everyone wh claims to have the Spirit of God.”
—We learn that being like the world is not a legitimate way to reach the people of this world.
Romans 12:2 “Don’t be like the people of this world, but let God change the way you think.”
Secular humanism has long been the choice of world view in the world, but now it has become equally appealing to the church. We are feeling so much better than we are thinking.
Ask members of leadership to study and pass a test of basic biblical knowledge. In fact- make it a requirement for any leadership position in the church. This is their most important possession apart from the Spirit of God and a daily walk with Christ. These two assure that each the other is real and powerful. Some extremists even place these over a killer custom Shure in ear monitor rig or a perfectly timed light show.
—We learn that fruit is essential. True worship leads to service out in the world.
We can become like the phony televangelists who perform for others and ask them to give, but rarely serve others outside the 4 walls of a church building ourselves. John 15:8
“When you become fruitful disciples of mine, my Father will be honored.”
If and when we possess the title of “leader” who has anything to do with worship, the stringent requirements are theology, lifestyle and faithfulness over time. Musical ability comes in a distant last place. (see deacon and elder qualifications–Why would people who lead in worship have less demand?) Titus 1&2
Hi everyone.
David and Glen:
Thanks for sharing.
Southern NH (USA)
Hi again,
I find the best leaders are true disciples of Jesus. They are devoted to studying the Bible and prayer (always seeking God’s direction in their life).
Southern NH (USA)
Yes, so true!