Corporate worship. Some call it a concert. Some say it’s unnecessary. It’s the brunt of endless complaints and the melting pot for more preferences than one can imagine.
But what really is this activity that we do every single week? What good does it really do?
I’ve been in church services my whole life. Some have been amazing. Some have been awkward. Some have been educational. Some have been embarrassing.
The problem with our gatherings isn’t too little or too much excellence. It’s that we place too much stock in the “professionals.” We need a standout, “anointed” worship leader. We need a charismatic speaker. But this creates ministry platforms for the gifted few and entertainment for the rest.
What happened to the idea that corporate worship is an individual responsibility? You are the church. Your heart needs to be felt. Your voice needs to be heard. It’s not just about being entertained or getting “filled up.”
We come because we’re a part of the family and we have a voice.
5 Reasons Corporate Worship is Good for the Soul
Corporate worship is good for the soul on a number of practical levels as well:
1.Corporate worship reorients – left to myself, I live for myself. I pursue my goals, my happiness, my fulfillment. This is great except for the fact that it’s an unbiblical way to live. Worshiping with my church family is a weekly reorientation to prioritize the Kingdom of God and live for more than myself. It puts me in contact with the timeless truth of Scripture rather than the passing fad of culture.
2. Corporate worship is a reminder – Primarily, it’s a reminder of the Gospel. “Christ Jesus and Him crucified” isn’t a one-time salvation experience. It’s the truth my heart needs to encounter every day. And corporate worship is a weekly reminder to trust in Christ as my sole source of hope.
3. Corporate worship is community – When I physically attend a worship service, I’m thrusted into a healthy awkwardness. Young people, old people, rich people, poor people, cool people, weird people – all singing together. But I’m a part of a movement that is global – the global body of Christ. I need to see this and feel this every single week.
4. Corporate worship is encounter – God reserves a special blessing for when His children gather. We all know the popular verse:
“For where two or three have gathered together in my name, I am there in their midst” (Matthew 18:20).
We gather not to criticize, complain, observe, police, or be entertained. We come to encounter the presence of God. Anything is possible in the presence of God.
5. Corporate worship is where I can contribute – Whether I’m on the worship team or not, church is a place where I can invest my life into others. I can encourage someone. I can serve somewhere. I can pour my life into another.
So let’s lay down the complaining. Let’s stop hating each other. Let’s stop looking for something new to criticize. Let’s take responsibility and go to church for more than making sure it lines up with your preferences.
What are your thoughts on this?
Why do you value corporate worship? How do you cast this vision and build it with your church culture?
Let’s talk it out. You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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Ok, I am dirty, broken and undone before the Lord. I know that my life of worship,requires a constant dying to self, that he might increase in me.
I also believe that we come to the house of worship to serve.
However, I also believe that judgement and discipline begin in the household of faith, so do we turn a blind eye to evil and worship. Or is dealing with sin, with a right heart a form of worship, in its self? Do we allow ministers, that are leading duel life’s of slander, lying and adultery to lead God’s people, without holding them to account of what the bible says is a “leader”. If we condon for the sake of business as usually, where is the fear of entering in to prescence of the lord with “fear and trembling”. This stuff is ugly, breaks my heart and leaves me filling dirty.
Yet, in all of this, I know I must choose to worship him, for who he is and what he has done for me.
Thank you for this!! Great, simple and to the point but very deep and so very true. I love how you said “Im thrust into a healthy awkwardness” TRUTH! Haha.. I’ve never been able to put my finger on that feeling but that statement did it.
Great article, David! To add, Ephesians 5:18-21 is my go to framework for Biblical worship.
“And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit, addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ.”
So, we are called to be filled with the Spirit, and worship is both a means to and and outpouring of that. I think you hit it perfectly in saying that it’s a reminder and an encounter!
Love the site and the pod!