What place does cool music have in worshiping the King of kings? What place does excellent artistry have in worship? Does the utilization of drum loops and click tracks cause God to focus more on our worship? Is the Holy Spirit waiting to show Himself strong on behalf of those who have the hippest hair style? Newest Chuck Taylor’s (or most destroyed)? Will the glory fall on those who consistently sing Chris Tomlin’s top 5?
Not exactly.
I don’t believe God is drawn to any particular sound or quality of music. But I do believe God is the most creative being in the universe and He has created us to do the same. That is why I love complexity in worship.
I believe Christian musicians, hearts rooted in the glory of God, should make the coolest music this world has ever seen. ‘Worship music’, in the truest sense of the term, should be the best because of Who we worship.
We should strive to be complex and creative for the sole purpose of Christ’s glory. We need to carry our styles, our instruments, our artistic endeavors, ALL OUR PLANS, into the presence of God and create so as to reflect the glory of our Creator.
So I love the simplicity of worship…but I also love the complexity.
What are your thoughts?
Dave I think you hit the nail on the head here. Simplicity and complexity are both incredibly important when used at the proper times. I don’t think I could’ve said it better than you did
Thanks, dude. I feel I need to clarify some things here. Some people say worship has nothing to do with music and discredit creativity, when it actually does have its place. At its core, though, we cannot rely on anything other than the beauty of Jesus.
I think that you have some of the greatest thoughts on worship and you definetley have some great thoughts on this. Keep it up!!!
P.S. Played with a click at FAF 2008
Dude, Im so fortunate to have come across this “entry” tonight. I just got done leading worship for the youth at GWO, and me and a couple band members went out after and were talking about worship and is creativness. (if thats a word). and how God doesnt require “perfection” but there needs to be somewhat of a creative notion when ushering in the precense of God through music.
Josiah, what’s up bro? Why do you think there needs to be a creative notion? I would like to hear more of your thoughts on that. Btw, it’s awesome to see you doing so much music/worship. Keep it up!