Worship. It’s a big deal these days, isn’t it?
Just hearing the word conjures up images of an industry – records, resources, world tours, conferences, and more songs than you can imagine.
You probably have a worship T-shirt. I even think Hanes is releasing a new line of worship boxer/briefs. OK, too far.
But in the midst of all the noise, do we really remember what worship is all about?

Your favorite Christian band has probably made a worship album. You’ve probably spent a lot of money on worship resources. Frankly, worship sells.
I’m not saying any of these are wrong, but I fear it’s possible to be a rockstar worship leader and not know God. It’s possible to drink the kool-aid and not continue to know Him more and more and more.
Can I be the first to admit? It’s easy for me to miss the point. It’s in writing. I’m a worship songaholic.
I fear even “The Heart of Worship” has lost its convicting power in my heart.
What about you?
Why Is Worship Important?
That’s why I find it essential to ask “why” quite often. Why do we worship? If worship wasn’t an industry with your favorite artists and songs, would you still love to worship God? Is God the center of your joy or are you distracted by the form?
I’ve decided to return to my roots and write out 6 reasons why I worship.
1. Because God commands it
“For you shall worship no other god, for the Lord whose name is Jealous is a jealous God” (Exodus 34:14).
God is the only being who can honestly be prideful. God exists for God. At the center of all He does for us is a passion for His own glory. When you learn to embrace that and love that, your worship deepens.
When God commands worship, it’s an act of love and service because He knows nothing can satisfy us like He can.
2. Because God is worthy
“Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created” (Revelation 4:11).
Our praise can’t describe the depths of who God is. We can’t articulate even a fraction of His worth. Yet we worship because He is so worthy. We step into the mystery, the wonder, the glory and stand in awe of His indescribable worth.
3. Because it pleases God
“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God” (Hebrews 13:16).
Worship is a sacrifice. It’s laying your pride, self sufficiency, and self worship on the altar. Such sacrifices are pleasing to God. And I love to put a smile on His face.
The more my mind is renewed, my faith strengthened, the more I want to please His heart in everything I do. So I worship.
4. Because worship changes us
“Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise Him, my salvation and my God” (Psalm 43:5).
God doesn’t need our worship. He’s not a worship-hungry, cranky, bored dictator demanding we worship Him in order to boost His self esteem.
We worship because worship changes us. What you value gets magnified in your life. When you set your life on the pursuit of knowing and worshiping God, you’ll never be the same.
5. Because it’s the goal of life
“Let the nations be glad and sing for joy…” (Psalm 67:4).
Someone may argue that the goal of life is to reach the lost. More specifically, the goal of life is that the lost become worshipers. As John Piper famously says, “Missions exists because worship doesn’t.”
We pray and fast and go and love to raise up worshipers among all nations. We want people to experience God as we experience Him. We want to see the nations worship.
6. Because it helps you defeat sin
“Turn my eyes from looking at worthless things, and give me life in your ways” (Psalm 119:37).
It’s hard to be a consistent sinner if you’re a whole-hearted worshiper. Not that you never sin, but sin loses its appeal as you transfer your affections from worldly things to the beauty of God.
I’ve found worship to be the greatest weapon in defeating sin. The things of this world grow strangely dim. I begin to treasure Christ more. My appetite for earthly things lessens as I experience the depths of God.
7. What would you add?
Question: Notice I’ve left an open point. That’s because you’re awesome and I need you to help me. Why is worship such a big deal to you? On your mark, get set, comment!
The time will come when the real Worshipers of God will worship in SPIRIT…and in TRUTH…
I believe we’ve done OK at worshiping in Spirit…this is our worship service with song and praise and connect with God spritually…
it’s the TRUTH part we lack…
Worship in Truth means…worshiping in acting out our faith by doing what Jesus told us to do…feed the hungry and the thirsty, look after the orphaned and the widow. help the poor and meet their needs. the unfortunate.
worship with our lives is Truth…it speaks truth…living a Christ filled life…holy and pure.
I once heard david crowder say…well, we all like to think we are worshiping….but…what about the lady who is in the baby room while we worship…what about her?…is she not worshiping by sacrificing her time to take care of all the babies in the congregation?
This may be the weakest facet of our worship. We pursue feelings over action. Good stuff, Arny!
I love your point # 5. Someone may argue that the goal of life is to reach the lost. More specifically, the goal of life is that the lost become worshipers! (I had to repost it)
Worship for me, it breaks through the walls between me and God allowing me to have access to His heart and His Kingdom!
I think the more we worship Him the more in Love with Him we get because the more He shows Himself and it just keeps going and going! AHHH!! I truly wish I could worship Him ALL DAY!(out loud)
Khamille, I love your passion. This is what it’s all about!
Because WE are worshippers!
Indeed. We were created for this!
When I think of worship it is time alone to be with Him, in a bible, in nature, in thought and song. I am ready to worship in life and with others when I take the time to first be around His presence. The group thing-sometimes more people amplify it, sometimes not. Worship still seems personal, as one person may be joyful before him and another have a heavy heart, standing right next to each other. Any how, I don’t think most people think of worship as an industry, unless that was your profession and living. I remember going through like six books on the definition of worship in a band one year. That really did not clarify things much. What is worship with out the one we adore?
‘Worshiping God’ in short should mean ‘ministering to God’ – I found an interesting article on http://www.xenos.org/essays/worship.htm regarding the term and translation from the Greek and Hebrew – check it out.
When we minister to Him, there is supposed to be some action involved. Although Worship itself is difficult to define, it can be done by a single person or as a group.
I just thought about this: worship should be submission to God at all levels – if the worship in Truth part comes in – I think it means that there should be no darkness in us – only the will and obedience to submit to Him
Worship in Spirit, in my opinion, should mean that we as spiritual beings (the spiritual man) connect to God’s Holy Spirit with (just as Adam did before the Fall)
Sometimes our intellect gets in the way, and we neglect the spiritual!
My take on this is that the spiritual man was before God (could walk, talk, connect with him), with sin coming in, the intellect took over and that was the mistake. “…and a tree to be desired to make [one] wise..” Gen 3:6 KJV and “And the eyes of them both were opened, and they KNEW that they [were] naked…” Verse 7. Note the words ‘WISE’ and ‘KNEW’
Don’t get me wrong, the intellect is important, but I think we may be putting to much emphasis on ‘HOW’ using the intellect, than on letting the spiritual man just connect with God. Isn’t that what ‘communion’ is supposed to be as well? Maybe we can take this a lot further but I just need to ask this: do we get to know God by the intellect or the Spirit? If by the Spirit, then we should worship in Spirit!
I think we can know God through both. If we focus solely on “spirit” we may be worshiping a wrong view of God. Using our minds to feast upon God’s Word keeps us focused on God as He has revealed himself, you know?
Haha! @I even think Hanes is releasing a new line of worship boxer/briefs. OK, too far.
Worship is important…Because it frees us.
I was reading a book recently that referred to 2 Samuel 6 and the story of David dancing disrobed before the Lord. David was in a state of pure worship. He was freed not only from his physical coverings, but his mental and spiritual ones as well.
How amazing would it be to let go of all concerns and just praise? We’d get arrested if we went to the lengths that David did in public, but that state of mind is something I long for. As a worship leader, sometimes it is hard to get people to even raise their hands in praise from fear of being “weird.” Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just worship freely without being concerned with our image?
I agree, Miranda. It’s hard work leading a congregation in worship. It’s more of a marathon than a sprint. Learn to love the process of pastoring people who feel “weird”. Over time, people will grow and express themselves in worship more. Patience is so important and I’m so bad at it!
Omigosh corporate worship for me is so cool on a couple of levels (in addition to all your amazing things you already said David).
For one, I love, love, love the power and the collective ecstasy that occurs when groups of people gather their power together and use it to glorify God. It is physical, visceral, exciting, and makes me happy to be alive. I believe there is awesome power in that – I think of the passages in the Old Testament where the Israelites praised God and then the enemy fell down dead.
Gosh that makes me excited.
Secondly, worship is a way I connect to God. When I worship, I feel God’s pleasure and love, and I feel connected at the heart level. Sometimes I mental/spiritually/emotionally/ whateverIcan’texplainit leave the room. Honestly – there have been times where I have been somewhere else dancing with Jesus and I am surprised when I open my eyes because for a split-second, I don’t know where I am. I know that sounds crazy but for me it is so, so, so real and I want more of it. I want more of that connection.
That is my two cents. Thank you again for this beautiful space David!
Sarah, your innocence is inspiring. I think many of us need to recover what it means to get “lost” in worship – to lose track of time, to simply BE in the presence of Jesus. So refreshing!
The Lutheran Church has recently put together something on this topic that’s trying to bridge the variety of styles of worship used in our churches. It’s pretty much in line with all of this, mind you it’s going to reference the Augsburg Confession and other Reformation documents a lot. but you can check it out here:
Whether I am leading worship or partaking from the pews, those are some of the times I feel closest to God.
Why is worship such a big deal to you?
Simple answer – because Jesus loves me (and you, and all God’s childr’n)
We love Him because He first loved us. Worship is God’s love language.
To acknowledge God’s worthiness it to proclaim the truth of Who He is. He is the author of every good, beautiful, and wonderful thing. Do recognize in private and in public how awesome He is?
Worship sustains my spiritual life. Worship renews my spirit, and strengthens my inner being.
Because worship is the only way to defeat Satan. As we lift our hands towards God in our worship means Satan was defeated. Like Moses lifted his hands during the battle between the Amalekites and the armies of Israel led by Joshua. As Moses lifted his hands high the Israel won. Same to worship. Satan defeat as we lay our hands up high to worship the King of all kings and Lord of all lords.