Before you read the rest of this post, I want you to slow down. Pause. Breathe deep.
Seriously. We are in such a rush to get more done – to cram information into our brains and forget what matters most.
This is a blog post about God, His glory, and our responsibility to see and stand in awe.
Our worship services can become so busy for God that we longer take the time to notice God.
We’re not just coming together to sing, we’re coming together to see.
We’re not just gathering to praise, we’re gathering to peer deeper into glory.
It’s standing in awe more than it is standing in line to ask for more of God’s good gifts.
Recapture A Fresh Vision
What is worship if it’s not amazement?
It’s obvious that we have needs – that God is a good Father who provides for us. But God can almost become like a cosmic genie service that we call upon when we have need – not a Person that we adore.
So rather than coming to have your needs met, what if your only agenda was to see Him more clearly? What if this was your daily pursuit?
“Father, as I open Your word today, allow me to see a deeper facet of your character.”
“Jesus, as I move about my day today, let me behold your glory around every turn.”
“Holy Spirit, as I lead worship allow me to see you moving, reaching, and restoring your glory to throne of our hearts.”
What’s even more fascinating about this idea of seeing, is it’s the enemy’s main tactic in destroying us. If he can keep you from seeing Jesus he can keep you from your destiny as a worshiper.
“The god of this world has blinded the minds of unbelievers, to keep them from seeing…the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God” ( II Corinthians 4:4).
Worshiper, don’t forget to keep your eyes open to the glory of God. Ask God to shine His light into your heart more and more.
Heaven gives us a beautiful picture.
Heaven Help Us
There is no worship more inspiring than the worship that happens around the throne of God in heaven. Why? Because it goes on and on forever and no one gets bored.
Take a look:
“And around the throne, on each side of the throne, are four living creatures…And the four living creatures, each of them with six wings, are full of eyes all around and within, and day and night they never cease to say, ‘Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come!’”
Did you catch what is so fascinating?
Full of eyes. God created them to behold His glory. The very essence of their being is beholding.
And guess what? They never cease to say ‘Holy’. I have the tendency to get bored after 45 minutes of worship. But in the very manifest presence of God in heaven, there is no boredom. Only complete and utter awe. Forever.
What Difference Does This Make?
If you have the time, I would love to hear how this relates to you as a worship leader, musician, or worshiper.
Yes, this blog is always better when you share. Leave a comment below!
Question: What difference does this idea of beholding make in your worship? How will this influence your preparation, practice, leadership, and discipleship? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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Love this. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Sean!
This is so powerful! – Thanks for posting!
Thanks Daniel!
David, Thank you so much for all the advise and insight you use to send on my email- you really taught me a lot as I struggled and made so many mistakes as a praise and worship leader. Be blessed!
Thanks Louisa. Keep pressing on!
What an amazing example ! Thanks David, more grace.