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A couple weeks ago I poised the question, “What do successful worship leaders do?” How do we define it?
If it doesn’t necessarily involve big tours and best selling records, what does it involve?
Here’s some ways I define success:
- A congregation that engages in the worship experience
- Musicians that improve musically
- Musicians that grow closer to Christ
- A team that grows numerically
- Other worship leaders are being raised up
- Music serves people rather than distracts
- A team that worships and has a passion for God’s glory
- A discipleship plan is in place
- A team that follows and respects your leadership
Notice that all these items don’t just involve you. Effective worship leaders don’t just look internal, they pour themselves out for others. That’s the nature of leadership and the nature of a successful worship leader.
Notice there were only 9 ways listed. The last one is for you to add. What defines success for you as a worship leader?
I think that one thing that defines success as a worship leader is recognizing and encouraging individual musicians’ talents, but helping them to stay humble.
Great thoughts! Just found your blog… I will subscribe! If you wouldn’t mind, I have a blog too…I’d love for you to check it out!
Thanks for checking out the blog, Brandon. Look forward to seeing you on here!
I like this a lot. I think for me, number 10 would be that I recognize the ministry would not only continue if I were not involved but that it would flourish & continue to grow because of the first 9 reasons you mention. I always keep that in mind to remind myself that this is a privilege God has bestowed upon me to lead our worship team. I’m here because He has me here, not because I earned it. It also reminds me that the people around me are always better at something than I am and my job as a leader is to encourage them to use those things to build the team & glorify God.