We worship leaders are a sensitive bunch. That’s why posts like this are good. I had some help from a few of my Twitter friends on this one. Enjoy:
1. Do you worship a female deity? Can’t quite make out if you’re saying “he” or “she”.
2. Your skinny jeans are causing me to stumble. (Justin Reves)
3. Can we sing more hymns? We don’t like these songs you do.
4. I don’t need to practice…I’m good enough. (Jon Manna)
5. I couldn’t tell if you were crying or sweating trying to hit that awful note. What was it?!
6. It’s WAY too loud! This is worship…not a concert. (Gabriel Wilson)
7. So, what do you want to do with your life? Is this it?
8. When are we going to sing “Shout to the Lord” again? Everyone really misses it. (Tim Ghali)
9. What is your job? Oh, the church pays you to do this? How do you support your family?
10. So, what do you do all week? (Jon Roe)
11. If you spike your hair a little higher it may just reach Heaven’s throne this morning.
12. Yea man, I’m the best there is. I was the best drummer at my last 47 churches.
13. You can’t afford that, right? I mean, you’re on a worship leader’s salary.
14. That song just didn’t work, man. Oh, YOU wrote that? It was sweet!
15. These ear plugs are the best idea you guys have had since singing that hymn 15 years ago.
Question: What else should you probably not say to your worship leader? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
If you thought this was the most mind-blowing, hilarious thing you’ve ever read (or just funny), consider sharing it using the sharing icons below. Thanks!
For more, check out the other “15 Things” Posts:
– I song better than you, so why don’t I lead worship?
– Dude, gimme space to play longer lead solos.
So good 🙂
“I think we should take that solo for 16 bars instead of 8” heard that too.
Haha… laughed my head off with some 🙂 Heard a few of those myself.
Here’s another that just came to my mind:
– I don’t need a monitor, I’m professional enough.
Haha! Yes, I’ve heard that one too 🙂
“You cant aford that, you’re a poor church musician.” Sound guy to me concerning nice ear buds.
Jon! Welcome bro. Haha, good one – you should sign up for a gravatar image
“The Lord has really blessed me with an anointing on the accordion… I’ve been working on a solo for Greatly To Be Praised… and if you cant work me in on the stage, that’s ok, I’ll just play it from my seat.”
Reminds of a certain someone who used to bring their percussion suitcase to the front row 🙂
bahhahahah…number 14 was sooo funny!
Thanks for the laugh David…
Haha, thanks for the laughs, bro. I especially loved #14. Here’s one someone said to me a couple years back:
“If you actually listened to what God was saying to you, you’d do more praise songs.”
Wow. Hilarious!
Aaron. Your post was great. Thanks for the laugh! Soo funny! I also liked no8 and no14.
I heard a great accoustic version of Stryper’s “To Hell With The Devil”, I think we should sing that soon
Haha! Perfect.
Oh man, I’ve heard more than a few of these! Especially 4. And 9. And 10. Ha – Good stuff.
“12. Yea man, I’m the best there is. I was the best drummer at my last 47 churches.”
My fave^.
Oh, number 6…I just found myself in a conversation with 2 women who were saying to each other that music at church that is too loud “just isn’t worship”. Had to bite my tongue.
Haha. oh yes!
Very funny! Number 4 may be the most frustrating to hear!
I know! Some of these have probably never been said, although I shouldn’t speak too soon 🙂 Thanks for the comment, Dylan.
These are pretty funny. I’ve heard various versions of #4. Perhaps you could write a blog on practicing if you haven’t already done so David. I do a search to find out. 🙂
Hahahahahaha….#7 and #12!!!
– Sorry I was late to practice…was up late last night watching mov…uh praying.
Nice! haha
“You may have a problem with that song, I think You’re gonna lose an entire generation”
Jordan, this is one I haven’t heard. I assume you’ve encountered this?
Yes indeed it’s quite a trial for me as far as attitude goes haha
How about:
Random person – “these last few weeks, I really felt the Spirit”
Worship leader – “can you tell me what was different these last few weeks”
Random person – “it didn’t feel like a performance”
This actually did happen…pretty frustrating. Lol!