While social media can be a distraction in more ways than one, I think every worship leader should use it.
Not just as a time-waster, but as a way to improve your role as a worship leader in the local church.
Worship Podcast
While social media can be a distraction in more ways than one, I think every worship leader should use it.
Not just as a time-waster, but as a way to improve your role as a worship leader in the local church.
Worship has become a big deal these days.
It’s an industry.
I love it. But I also wonder if the hype has stolen the heart?
Check out this brief video from Brian McLaren. I’m not a huge Brian McLaren fan, but I think he raises some interesting questions here.
What is he thinking?
Where is he/she coming from?
Don’t they get it?
These are often the thoughts that two people have when they are viewing life and leadership from different vantage points. It is often the case that ‘creatives’ and ‘leaders’ – ‘worship pastors’ and ‘lead pastors’ will view the world from slightly different angles.
Everyone is an Artist…not just you.
I know it seems strange, right? Everyone is an artist? “Not my staff, not my pastor” you might say…
Yes they are.
They just might not realize it–yet. Perhaps in order to realize it they need your help.
[This is Part 1 of a two part series on Helping your Volunteers Feel Valuable & Significant. Check out Part 2 here.]
Dear Worship Leader,
I’m a volunteer on your worship team.
Not sure if you remember me.
This might be hard to swallow, but I’m going to be stepping down from the team.
I know you probably hate me right now, but it’s just not working out.
Instead of just leaving, I thought I’d write you this personal letter explaining why I’m leaving. Maybe it could be of benefit to you. Thanks: [Read more…]