We all have our favorite songs – songs we sing over and over.
Songs that ignite a room.
Songs that make you cry, shout, rejoice, and sing at the top of your lungs.
Worship Podcast
We all have our favorite songs – songs we sing over and over.
Songs that ignite a room.
Songs that make you cry, shout, rejoice, and sing at the top of your lungs.
I’ve realized something recently. Leadership is hard.
Not only is it hard, but it’s probably the most difficult responsibility on the face of the earth.
Why? Because you are not simply responsible for your own skill and craft. You are responsible to mobilize others to accomplish goals and become all they can be.
We’ve all been in worship services that sucked.
Matter of fact, I’ve led enough of those worship services to get my PHD.
Over the years I’ve learned that crafting a great worship set isn’t just about choosing hit songs. It takes a special kind of process.
Our live recording is coming up in just a few days.
As I work tirelessly and pray boldly, I’m reminded about a few things.
This is ALL about Jesus.
I think we all can agree on the fact that nobody likes to suck.
A great band helps you focus on what really matters.
An undisciplined team, making mistakes left and right, is a distraction to worship.