With my recent posts on worship leading blunders, it’s easy to laugh at the mistakes when you’re in hindsight. You can look back, learn, laugh, and grow to become more humble.
But in the moment it’s not so funny. Sometimes when we miss the mark, we get discouraged.
You’re asked to lead a song and you botch the lyrics…again. You’re excited for this rehearsal only to feel like no one on your team respects you. And that comment from a church member about how you don’t flow in the Spirit doesn’t help either.
Sometimes it’s easy to laugh at mistakes but sometimes it hits too close to home.
How can we be better prepared for this? Here’s 3 Ways:
1. Draw confidence from God’s love
Musicians and worship leaders need this. We have a tendency to base our self worth on how well we do. While we should place a priority on excellence, that has nothing to do with our self worth. Before we are musicians and singers and worship leaders, we are loved by Jesus. Period. You’ll also be a more effective worship leader with this truth at your core.
2. Surround yourself with those who believe in you
I have a great relationship with my Senior Pastor. I know he believes in me 100%. That also doesn’t mean he’s not afraid to point out what needs improvement. Surround yourself with great leaders who believe in you and take to heart what they say. Don’t allow the criticizers to discourage you. Be polite, but listen to those who love you.
3. Plan Well
You see, a lot of mistakes can be avoided if you prepare well. Look ahead and put out necessary fires before they happen. Things may still go wrong, but at least you’ve done all you can to avoid them. Spend time in personal worship, put front end work into your rehearsals, plan your setlist.
What about you? What has helped you deal with discouragement? You can leave a comment by clicking here.
Nice website. Some valuable information here for worship leaders.
HI there,
I found your blog because I am still feeling discouraged after an incident that happened four years ago, when another potential worship leader at the time, used blatent intimidation tactics to suggest I was not healed enough and wondered how much longer I was going to be leading at this church. I am not an aggressive type and maybe too sensitive but since then I did leave that church and left Worship leading altogether. Now she has moved into my city and has become very well known doing conferences etc. She is actually doing what the Lord called me to do in the first place.! I have been a worship director in a Vineyard prior to moving countries and quite honestly have had the wind knocked out of me here. Recently I began a grass roots ministry for the poor doing what God has called me to do using prophetic worship. Ever since starting this ministry her name continues to come up in conversation where ever I go. Perhaps this is a test for my heart or an attack from the enemy or both. I have prayed for her and asked forgiveness over harbouring bitterness but I am having trouble shaking it off. I would appreciate some prayer from a neutral party, or a word,scripture. Thankyou and bless you in your ministry here.