Topics Covered:
- Malcolm’s story of activism in South Africa
- Similarities of American culture today with South Africa in the 1970s and 80s.
- The spiritual underground and what that means
- What it means to be a Kingdom of Priests
- The problem with becoming comercially viable
- The story behind Common Hymnal’s new “Be Love” song
Resources Mentioned:
- Show Sponsor: Planning Center
- Be Love by Common Hymnal
- Common Hymnal
- The King Center
- Common Hymnal Patreon
Show Sponsor:

My goal in this podcast is to help you grow as a worship leader. Of course that includes your formation, but it isn’t limited to that—it’s also with practical tools to help you in your ministry.
It’s hard to talk about being a worship leader without mentioning Planning Center. As you know, I’m a huge fan. A lot of you are already using Planning Center Services to schedule your volunteers, plan your worship services, and give your team the tools they need to learn their music. But with Planning Center People, you can stay even more engaged with your volunteers and anyone looking for how to get plugged in.
First, some good news: People is completely free with any Planning Center subscription. No, you didn’t hear me wrong—it’s free. Second, some better news: you can use People to add new volunteers to your teams quickly and automatically.
In People, you can make forms for anyone interested in volunteering, put them in a step-by-step training workflow, and then automatically add them to Services to schedule them for the right team. And that’s just one way you can use People. From sending automated emails and seeing church-wide engagement to organizing your member database and keeping information up-to-date, there’s tons you can do.
So go to planningcenter.com to use People for free.
It’s been 30 years listening to Malcolm who has been a prophetic voice in some profound ways to many. But I have basically heard him say the same thing for these decades – “the Church- especially the white Church, has missed it and I have found what they have missed on the margins. “ Perhaps there is some truth in this, but perhaps also the idolatry here is in having to be original and definitely not like majority . It’s sounds like an echo of what was once cutting edge.