Have you ever had a week go by and wonder what you’ve done? Oh, just me?
I know the weekend is game time. It’s the most important event for any local church. It’s when the church gathers together. It’s when the Word of God is preached. It’s when the saints come together to encounter the presence of God.
But it’s not everything. Matter of fact, the work that a Worship Pastor does beyond the stage is what will make those weekend experiences even stronger. We oftentimes just get by on the weekends because we’re not practicing particular rhythms. Our weeks aren’t spent on what is most important.
I understand you may not be full time at your church. You may not even be part time. You work early mornings, lunch hours, and late nights to organize your team and serve your local church.
But these habits apply to any leader – whether full time or volunteer. What will be different is the amount one does at any given time. All you need to do is pick one and focus on it exclusively.
6 Rhythms Every Worship Pastor Needs
These are not one time events. They shouldn’t be random occurences only when there’s a crises. It should be worked into the very fabric of your schedule each and every week.
1. Recruit – You probably need a new drummer, right? How did I know? What would change in your ministry if you got creative and strategic with recruitment? What if it was a weekly habit rather than a desperate emergency line when you have no musicians. What if the well never ran dry? Wouldn’t that be nice? Work it into your schedule to make calls, connect with people each and every weekend, host jam sessions. Whatever it takes! But the important thing is to actually schedule time to do this. Resist the random recruitment approach.
2. Encounter – Your heart needs to encounter the reality and manifest Presence of Jesus. You really do. There’s nothing more important than this. I don’t mean you float off into the clouds and ignore all strategic planning, communication, and rehearsal. But without a steady encounter of the goodness of God and diet of the Presence of God, you won’t make it.
3. Develop – What will it take for your team to rise to the next level? Focus on those things. Don’t just let weekends happen. Don’t just get by. Refuse to accept an OK product just because everyone else says its great. You know you are capable of more. Invest in your people. Challenge them to rise higher. At the outset of a week, ask the the question, “How can I develop my team this week?”
4. Systematize – For some of you, you hear the word systems and you jump for joy. Others, you’re looking for the nearest cave to hide in. But your systems determine your success in ministry. They should be tweaked, changed, and talked about often. What systems in your ministry need attention?
5. Plan – There’s something that happens with your schedule when the urgent is planned far in advance. It’s no longer urgent. I think a little bit of time each day should be spent on making sure you’re out in front of all the areas you lead. If you’re anticipating what’s coming, you won’t be surprised. You’re in control.
6. Create – Some worship pastor friends of mine have “Creative Friday”, where the day is spent on creative projects like songwriting and recording. This is helpful on a number of levels. It makes creativity a regular rhythm. Even if the week gets hectic on administrative tasks, there’s the commitment to create on a particular day of the week. I love how this creates unity between worship staff and the pastoral staff. The Lead Team respects their creative staff enough to allow them paid time to create, and the creatives understand there is more to their work than just studio time. Whatever it looks like for you, give yourself space to doodle, write, and dream. You’ll be healthier that way.
What about you? What would you add to this list? What rhythms and habits have been helpful and effective in your life?
Hang out with your team (not necessarily to play or talk music, but just to be with each other outside of the ‘normal’ stuff that usually brings us together). This may not be practical to do it frequently but be intentional about it and schedule it…
Love it!
For #3- I’m also thinking develop the next person to take your place. We should look for others and give them opportunities to lead and pass it on. I’m not a worship leader but maybe in the future. I want to lead and might have an opportunity to take over our team soon as we are in a military community and she is leaving. I am so thankful that she is involving me early on with the behind-the-scenes information regarding sound and/or dealing with hard to work with personalities or just how to more effectively communicate the vision of the song. I am already interested in these things and watch my different worship leaders lead as they all do things differently. They each have had different strengths and areas in which I could, on my own, lift up in prayer for them or make myself available to help as needed. I currently started a youth worship praise team here and I work with the youth to develop a youth worship leader for the week. I’d love to hear more about how you deal with negativity when of course we want everyone to have their own personal time with God but many do not it seems. How do you encourage that with a team of volunteers ? For me this is simply, taking time during our practice time to include the Lord through prayer before and after practice and also a devotional/ discussion/ or reading of His word for encouragement or teaching to the team. Yes, it takes away from practice time but I reiterate it’s importance and emphasize time together is for blending the sound as we should all take time to practice outside of this time at home. Any thing to add? I haven’t checked out any of your other materials yet…