Our live recording is coming up in just a few days.
As I work tirelessly and pray boldly, I’m reminded about a few things.
This is ALL about Jesus.
Worship Podcast
Our live recording is coming up in just a few days.
As I work tirelessly and pray boldly, I’m reminded about a few things.
This is ALL about Jesus.
I think we all can agree on the fact that nobody likes to suck.
A great band helps you focus on what really matters.
An undisciplined team, making mistakes left and right, is a distraction to worship.
I used to think I was a pretty good worship leader.
Until I found out that certain people didn’t like my music. I was a rockstar to some, but an ear plug toleration to others.
Do you know who your enemy is?
The enemy to your creative projects isn’t lack of talent, passion, or skill.
It’s giving up. The only way to truly fail at any creative project is to give up.
I have a question for you.
Do you love Jesus more today than you did yesterday? Is your passion for God a growing flame or a dim flicker?
Worship leader – more important than your leadership is the state of your own heart before God.