[This is a guest post by Scott Troyer]
“Musical gear is too technical and mysterious to understand. Good thing I really don’t need to understand it.”
That is a lie I believed for far too long and my music suffered because of it.
Worship Podcast
[This is a guest post by Scott Troyer]
“Musical gear is too technical and mysterious to understand. Good thing I really don’t need to understand it.”
That is a lie I believed for far too long and my music suffered because of it.
Sometimes we don’t feel successful.
Without explanation, we awake in the morning to those nasty feelings of dissatisfaction and failure.
The first thing you choose to do will make or break the rest of your day.
It’s not that your worship songs aren’t catchy enough.
It’s not that they need more lyrics, better arrangements, and slicker production.
[This post is part of a brand new blog series, “Your Guide to Practicing the Essential Skills of a Worship Leader“. Check out the other posts here.]
You would think that worship would come naturally to a worship leader.
Truth be told, sometimes I’m too preoccupied with leading than I am connecting with God.
A worship team is not a gig.
A worship team is more than music.
There is more at stake than tight music, killer harmonies, and great songs.