Everybody wants to be great. But not everyone gets there.
What separates the exceptional musician from the crowds of mediocre?
Worship Podcast
Everybody wants to be great. But not everyone gets there.
What separates the exceptional musician from the crowds of mediocre?
There’s a lot of talk about platform these days.
Spreading your influence. Making a difference. Along with the normalcy of social media comes an endless barrage of self promotion.
But when it comes to ministry and doing all things to the glory of God, how far is too far?
Just a few weeks ago, I led worship and everything went wrong.
My voice was fatigued after one service, tech problems prevented people from seeing lyrics to a new song, and no one worshiped.
I was ready to quit.
Do you need experience to make a difference?
Do you need to be older to truly leave a legacy?
These are the questions I wrestle with as a young leader.
I like to read business and entrepreneur books.
Studying the practices of successful, wealthy people who’ve built large business empires is fascinating to me.