Most people I know hate to read.
And their reading habits prove it. They have none. Most of the time, this is what I hear: “I’m just not a reader”. Well, I just don’t buy that excuse.
Reading is a learned skill.
Worship Podcast
Most people I know hate to read.
And their reading habits prove it. They have none. Most of the time, this is what I hear: “I’m just not a reader”. Well, I just don’t buy that excuse.
Reading is a learned skill.
Worship services. They happen all the time, week after week.
How do you know your team is hitting the mark?
How do you know Sunday morning was a successful worship service?
I love to get lost.
You know the rush you get when directions don’t work out, nothing looks familiar, and you’re behind schedule? Nothing like it in all the world.
The truth is, I hate it. Getting lost is one of my least favorite things. Why? Because I have a schedule. I have a reputation to maintain.
But if you want to worship God with all you are, you need to familiarize yourself with getting lost.
One thing we worship leaders do a lot of is craft worship set lists.
Sundays don’t slow down. Completing Sunday’s worship set just means we have a new one to begin on Monday.
We say that worship is about the glory of God.
You probably use the phrase quite often: “It’s all about you Jesus”. But oftentimes our worship experiences look nothing like what we sing.
There’s a stage. A band. A talented vocalist. Cool songs. Entertaining lights.
Where is the glory of God?