You probably have a tendency to say more than you need to.
You are born with a need to communicate.
That’s why I love Twitter. I love the effect it’s had on my writing and learning.
Worship Podcast
You probably have a tendency to say more than you need to.
You are born with a need to communicate.
That’s why I love Twitter. I love the effect it’s had on my writing and learning.
We all know that we want more than just great music on Sunday morning.
We desire more than a tight band, innovative programming, and well executed services.
We want the presence of God. We desire for God to be lifted up and glorified in our midst.
We want to decrease as the glory of God increases. But how does that happen?
For my entire life, I’ve heard a particular word mentioned in the church.
Every worship leader wants it, whether you know what it is or not.
It’s the anointing.
So when we speak of the “anointing”, what do we mean?
It’s one of the tensions of being a worship leader.
Every day, every conference you attend, every recording you listen to, you will find someone who is better than you.
And you’ll also encounter those who are not.
When we encounter someone who is better, we experience jealousy. “Why was I not given a voice like that?” (no, I’ve never said that before).
When we’re better, we envision the angels patting us on the back. “Well done, good and faithful, butt-kicking worship leader. You’re WAY better than him!”
I want you to think about your work.
Ponder what it is you’re really good at.
Now ask yourself the question, “Do I need God to accomplish this?”
Because if your answer is “no”, you may be too self sufficient for your own good.
When I first started leading worship, I nearly wet my pants…every time. I wasn’t just nervous. I was paralyzed.
I say I live for the Kingdom of God.
But really I live for my fame.
I say I feel accepted and loved by God.
But I live to prove my worth to others every day.
I say worship is all about the glory of God.
But I secretly want you to love me.
I say I spend personal time with Jesus every day.
But really I have more “productive” things to do
I tell you to do amazing things on this blog
But I fear failure like it’s my job.