We all have to do it at one time or another.
Embracing confrontation and having difficult conversations is something every leader needs to get comfortable with.
Worship Podcast
We all have to do it at one time or another.
Embracing confrontation and having difficult conversations is something every leader needs to get comfortable with.
Worship leaders are more than song leaders.
They are more than entertainers who warm people up before a message. What do great worship leaders do? They:
1. Love Jesus
2. Spend time with Jesus
4. Empower other musicians
5. Accept constructive criticism
6. Don’t take themselves too seriously
Worship leader, there’s something about worship leading you can’t forget.
Something as essential to your success as breathing is to your life.
The cross.
In the midst of technical upgrades, vocal improvements, increased innovation, and better songs, don’t forget about the reason and basis for your ministry.
Without the cross, you can’t draw near to God.
Without the cross, your worship gathering is pointless.
Without the cross, you have nothing.
You may have noticed something strange about your life.
When you’re in your moment of glory, the peak of obeying God, you get leveled. Something happens that knocks the wind out of you and you feel lost.
But take heart, dear worship leader, God is about to launch you into a season of greater fruitfulness.
[This was my top post in 2011, and my very first e-book release. If you sign up for my email newsletter, you can download your free copy. Regularly scheduled posting will resume on Monday, January 2. And, yes, you won’t want to miss it!]
If you’re a worship leader, routine is the name of the game. You pick songs, you program services, you rehearse your band, you lead worship on Sunday. Rinse and repeat.
But how do we move beyond the routine and really make a difference? How do we move beyond Sunday?