This is the year you become a worship leader. Yes, you. The one who’s been disqualifying yourself for years. You’ve told yourself you’re too old, too young, too this and too that.
Stop it. This is the year.
And what do worship leaders do? They worship, of course.
The best worship leaders don’t just study the art of worship leading. They are worshipers. They step out to lead because they know the transforming power of worship. Worship changes us. And we want others to experience the same thing.
There’s nothing super mystical about it. You don’t need to see grand vision of archangels floating in the ethos. You don’t need to levitate while praying in tongues. You don’t even need to be heart-on-your-sleeve-overly-emotional.
But you must worship if you’re going to be good at this. Simple, but this is where most worship leaders fail.
The one habit that got them into worship leading has become a distant memory. They no longer spend time in the presence of God for no reason other than to see Him. They no longer sing for an audience of One. It’s become a job, a chore, a task. And it’s killing us.
Many worship leaders talk about worship, think about worship, read about worship, attend worship conferences, even lead worship songs, but they don’t actually worship. When these things are stripped away, all that’s left is a barren heart.
I feel the pull – to either bury my head in my work or to bow my heart in the presence of God. It’s the difference between pride and humility, self absorption or dependence.
This even happens to Matt Redman, folks. In this podcast he talked about how in a sense he had given up on ever having as close a relationship with Jesus as he once had before marriage, kids, career, and craziness. But it’s just not true. The best days are ahead, my friend.
Of course, there are practical skills you need to be a great worship leader. But it’s not enough to rely on our talent, organization, leadership, or personality. We need to maintain humble hearts in awe of the Savior.
You may not have a responsive congregation. You may not have enough musicians. You might not be getting along with your lead pastor. You probably don’t have enough money in your budget.
But you can get on your face everyday. You can sing to Jesus everyday. You can present a broken heart everyday.
And that just might be what we all need to do this year.
The secret to becoming a great worship leader is no secret.
[ois skin=”Beyond Sunday 2″]
Absolutely right David–no secret.
Not as long as the scriptures are considered to be somehow significant to the topic.
“Whoever is the greatest should be the servant of the others. If you put yourself above others, you will be put down. But if you humble yourself, you will be honored”Matthew 23:11-15 (CEV)
Who Is the Greatest?
“At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?”
“Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives me.” “Matthew 18 (NKJV)
The two first BIG “Worship Leaders”, James and John, were put in there place by Jesus because they knew the difference between having important titles and serving in humility. They knew and still much preferred the vain importance they felt from “being great.” See: Mark 10:35-45
Nope–nothing much has changed today. That’s why blogs discussing the subject of worship rarely if ever use the scripture and why we still believe that there is such a thing as a “Worship Leader”. Worship does not need to be led by anyone-anywhere. People need to be led IN WORSHIP by ministers who are called and directed by God, and whose lives are marked by the likeness of Christ in humility.
We have a mess today of ego and discouragement because we have elevated people and created positions with titles that set them up for fun with man and failure with God. That’s why we see so much spoof of the powerless church. The world is mocking us and rightfully so.
For example:
Good word. Thanks.
Great post!
I have recently been re-discovering worshipping in music and prayer… just me and the Lord.
This post really resonates.
Southern NH (U.S.)