1. Have I spent time in worship offstage this week?
2. Is my songlist Biblical and true to who God is?
3. Have I submitted my plans to the plan of the Holy Spirit?
4. Have I prepared my team spiritually?
5. Am I rested enough for God to use me in my full capacity?
6. Is the Gospel still the best news in the world to me?
7. Am I loving my wife well?
8. Am I being the worship leader of my family?
9. Have I dealt with my besetting sins with God this week?
10. Have I actively spoken about and shared my faith this week?
11. Have I grown in my knowledge of God’s word this week?
12. Is Christ still the greatest treasure of my life?
13. Am I bringing to God a costly offering?
14. Am I pouring into others or simply promoting myself?
15. Am I leading worship in my thoughts, words, & actions?
I really like lists, so I am drawn to this.
I pray this, out loud, every Sunday morning: “Jesus, Be the worship leader today.” Granted, it isn’t a question but more of a indentation and surrender that I’ve found effective in preparing my heart.
Jason, I love that. I’ve told my worship team before that the Holy Spirit is the true worship leader. We simply follow where He is going. Awesome.
Nice one Jason, reminds me of a conference with Mike Pivalachi (pastor of matt redman, tim hughes, martin layzell) did a sermon on “Jesus the perfect worshiper” and how his death on the cross was actually the ultimate expression of worship, fulfilling prophesy of Psalm 22, the ultimate worship song.
thanks for the list, things we think about but don’t necessarily have written down.
similar to Jason’ response i pray Lord would you lead me, so I can lead others.
so as a question…Am i being lead or willing to be lead by the Holy Spirit, so I can truly lead others?
thanks again for the questions
So good, Andrew. What does being “led by the Holy Spirit” look like when you’re personally leading worship? That’s a question I’ve been wrestling with. If we pray it, we can expect God do answer it but what does it look like? I’d love to compile some answers on this.
I think “led by the Spirit” worship requires us to have a repetoire of songs that originate in scripture, that we can always turn to in the event we sense him wanting to express something specific about God’s character and who He is wanting to reveal himself as today; such as God’s love, God’s mercy/forgiveness, God’s holiness, God’s grace/provision, His faithfulness, etc. I think it means being willing, and able, to deviate from the “set list” and have a “Holy Spirit list” available at all times. Much of this comes from your list too – like having worshiped at home, and submitting to the Spirit.
Darcy, that is awesome. I love that idea of being ready for God “to express something specific about God’s character and how He is wanting to reveal Himself”. So all the hard work of practice is preparing us for those moments. Thanks for that.
I love Matt Redman’s comments on this subject – his story of the “Donkey” that carried Jesus into Jerusalem… reminding ourselves that the real focus of the worship time is Him and not us. Personally i always try to keep the cross of Christ as the focus, as Paul said “I preach nothing but Christ and him crucified”, there is POWER in the blood. Creating an environment for people’s immaginations to go to that world shattering event in their spirits, and to be confronted by THE Spirit. My other focus is often the throne room of heaven… Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come. Maranatha.
Amen! So good.
Great questions here! I might have to just share this on my site!…
Go for it!
These are great questions. One of mine is:
Lord , what would give you the most pleasure ?
So good. Great question.