Stage presence. It’s a conversation that excites some and infuriates others.
Some pay attention to it, others don’t seem to care.
Truth is, you can’t afford to ignore it.
But let’s set the record straight. Your stage presence is important, but not of primary importance.
Just as your talent doesn’t force the Holy Spirit’s hand, neither does your boundless energy. He isn’t waiting for your voice to hit high notes, your team to sing certain songs, or your stage energy to reach higher levels of insanity.
God isn’t waiting for you to develop better musicians, use Ableton Live, record a live album of original songs, and get booked for youth events around the country.
Here’s the reality: The Holy Spirit is present, ready, and moving…no matter what.
He is going to work His wonders. Jesus has made a way for we sinners to have access into the Presence of God. When God sees us on Sunday He sees the righteousness of His Son, not the imperfections we brought on ourselves.
God will move.
God is moving.
We don’t “usher” people into his Presence. His presence is there.
We don’t “bring Heaven down”. Heaven has come to earth.
We don’t have a “stronger anointing” than this or that worship leader.
Than what do we do? If we’re not that important, what value does our excellence and our stage presence bring? Let’s back up.
The Ideal Worship Service
Think about your ideal, corporate worship service. We’ve all seen and led enough terrible ones to know what works and what doesn’t. What comes to mind?
- People singing
- Hands in the air
- The Presence of God
- Engagement
- Unity
- Theological integrity in our songs
Maybe you can think of a few others. While we don’t want to give too much credit to a worship team, a skilled worship team helps people engage in the story God is already telling.
[bctt tweet=”A skilled worship team helps people engage in the story God is already telling.” username=”@dsantistevan”]
Let’s break down this statement:
1.Skilled – A worship team develops skills. They don’t rely on pure randomness and spontaneity. They practice, both personally and as a team. They develop an intuitive sense on their instrument so they can look beyond it and lead people. Discipline, practice, and boring skill development prepares a team for those moments when the Holy Spirit is moving.
2. Helps People – A worship team is more pastoral than artistic. We are helping people, not simply performing for them or trying to impress them. We aren’t in the business of stirring up brief emotional highs. Our job is to help people worship. They are the focus. The more people we connect with God, the better.
3. Engage – People engage in activities they feel comfortable with. They need to trust the leader. Without this trust, there is hesitation. Why do fans go crazy at an arena rock show? They trust the band. They know the songs. They feel comfortable losing themselves in the moment. This is what keeps a lot of teams from seeing the full potential of their worship services. They are timid, shy, held back, & nervous. Nerves beget nerves. Timidity begets timidity. But when a team is engaging and confident, a congregation is engaging and confident.
So what value does your stage presence bring? You help people engage. Your worship on stage gives people permission to do the same. It helps break the awkwardness. It’s an invitation to step in to what God is already doing.
So step out. Lead. Stop calling your insecurity…humility. Be the leader God has called you to be.
Tell me about your team. How is your stage presence and energy? Does your team worship? Does your team lead? Let’s talk about it in the comments.
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I have gone through divorce and church hurt all at the same time ,i wonder should i not be a part of the praise team or even lead because my passion for ministry has declined,i find myself dreding singing in church even though its a diffrent church and not the same one i got hurt in but i must say God has brought me from a long ways im healing but still dont want to sing in church even though i love to sing its just the passion that was there isnt there as much as it used to be ,Ive been called a psalmist,worship leader ect but dont feel up to the task ,for some reason i just dont want to be at this church i am a member of now the divorce and church happened in2014 should i be over it already ? What should I do?
Sometimes healing can come through continued service, in faith.
Stick it out. You were made this way for a reason. People can be terrible, but God never is. Remove other people and their opinions from your mind and just do what you were made to do. Your passion for it will return.
Bringing the sacrifice of praise… such situations where we feel least desirous is when we sacrifice how we feel, focus on our audience of One, and bring Him praise and glory anyway….because He simply deserves this. We set aside that which hinders us to bring Him worship.
Mezelle, there’s nothing wrong with taking a break for a season. I would just encourage you to not disconnect from worshiping. Find your voice again. Find your place in quietness and trust. Regain not a passion for singing but a passion for His presence. Then the passion for singing will find its proper place in service of His glory and not just an end in itself.
Love this: “We are helping people, not simply performing for them or trying to impress them.” When you have this down, stage presence is no longer about ‘putting on a show’ but simply an opportunity to connect with folks at a deeper level.
To be honest,Sometimes i lost self confidence, nervous, there is a time i couldn’t give 100%. This Article helps a lot, i am going to share with my team.
Thanks Kim! We all deal with nerves and self confidence issues. Let it drive you to your confidence and authority in Christ!
How about rather than worrying about stage presence we just work toward being authentic. If loving God and expressing that is hands in the air, smiles, walking around on stage, engaging… Then fine that can be authentic. But if your doing it just to do it because it adds something, then that is fake.
Maybe we should be framing the debate in terms of allowing and encouraging Others to be authentic before God. Maybe that is the point of a worship team.
Jeremy, to a point I agree with you. The best stage presence is authentic worship. However, sometimes a musician’s “authenticity” looks like a bored, angry, stiff person on stage. The platform comes with more responsibility. If a person’s “authenticity” doesn’t translate into a healthy leadership on stage, that person needs to be challenged a bit to come out of themselves and be more expressive.
Good info. Lucky me I discovered your site by chance (stumbleupon).
I’ve book-marked it for later!
Sorry, but off the stage presence topic, Mezelle, I’ve been through a divorce, my self esteem was in the toilet.
When I’d given up hope, not in God, but my own understanding, God dropped a girl/angel into my life, now I want to thank God and my ex for what happened.
Take a break from the worship team, take a break from trying to find a new girl.
It’s easier for someone to be loved when they love them self first. Not conceded love, but true self respect love.
GOD will move when he decides it’s time.
Don’t give up on God, as he’ll never give up on you.
A few years from now you’ll look back, and maybe not laugh, but you’ll understand it was for your own good.
God bless you, and all you do.