We talk a lot about passion. Having a passionate worship team. But is that really enough?
I have a feeling it’s not. And I think you might agree.
There’s a few goals that rise above for me:
- Having a fire for Jesus behind & beyond the stage.
- A steady, daily gaze into His Word.
- A heart that trusts His goodness through trials.
- A team that loves the Church, not just their opportunity to play.
I’ll take that any day over a charismatic bass player who has cool hair and good stage presence. Of course, cool hair and good stage presence isn’t the devil. I work on my hair and my stage presence, though some may contest 🙂 These things aren’t mutually exclusive. But it’s important for us to create a culture where a fire of Jesus is cultivated off the stage. We need to do more than just call for energy, stage presence, and leadership of songs.
Because here’s the reality – if you have a person on fire for the glory of God in the secret place, it’s going to show in their leadership on the platform. It will. It might not be mosh pits, backflips, and sprints across the stage, but a fire for His presence will release an authority in worship that is better than just manufactured stage presence.
[bctt tweet=”Stop focusing on passion. Instead, build a culture of integrity.” username=”dsantistevan”]
And isn’t that what we’re after? An authority that comes from knowing God – his voice, his heart, his will, his way – not just charismatic personality skills on the stage.
If you capture one idea from this article, make it this: Stop focusing on passion. Build a culture of integrity.
Are you tired of a floundering team? Do you want a culture you are proud of – one that outlasts you? Growth is not an overnight process. It takes intentionality and time.
If you’re a parent, you know this. The two year old stage can feel like 10 years of torture. But then all of a sudden, they’re so grown up. All of a sudden, it feels quick.
It’s the same with your team. When you start to change the culture, you will face resistance. You’ll be tempted to give up and just dial in Sunday mornings. It feel like an eternity of zero progress. But over time, your faithfulness will turn into growth, fruit, and maturity.
Believe it. And get started now with a culture of integrity.
5 Ways to Create a Culture of Integrity
Here’s how to get started:
1.Spend Time In His Presence…Together – Seriously. How can you expect to lead people into His presence as a team if you’re not going there together? Go deep. If you’re strapped for time as a team, don’t cut corners here. Build this into your rehearsal. Worship without instruments in a circle. Worship on stage in rehearsal as a band. Teach your team how to linger, how to pray, how to hear his voice in worship.
2. Create a Challenging Environment – Always be pushing people to the next level. Oftentimes, we only go there musically. We talk about musical excellence, preparation, and creativity. Drummers need to get better on the click. Guitar players need to work on their parts and their tone. Vocalists need to stop looking bored. We know this.
But what if you created a culture of spiritual invitation? An atmosphere where it was difficult to exist if you weren’t intense about your pursuit of Jesus. Imagine that. I think we often get nervous issuing such a challenge. But people will rise to the occasion if you cast the vision and pastorally lead. No doubt.
3. Don’t Get Too Busy for One on Ones – When your team is small, it’s easier to meet with people one on one. But soon your team grows and you also begin to grow apart from your people. Resist this urge. Find a way to give people one on one attention, even if it means raising up other leaders to help shoulder this. It’s important. Without it, misunderstanding can flourish. Gossip can win the day. A healthy one on one can turn harbored frustration into a good conversation and a healthy relationship. Seek peace with everyone on your team.
4. Create a Culture Schedule – What doesn’t get scheduled doesn’t get done. Too often we craft mission statements and vision points only to see them hang on a wall that never gets looked at. If those statements don’t reach your calendar, it will never happen. Your vision needs to become an appointment. Your mission needs to be a task. I know this doesn’t sound very exciting, but it’s the only way your team will accomplish anything and the only way you’ll see momentum begin to shift.
Have a vision for discipleship? How are you scheduling that into your workday and team calendar? Want to write more songs? How are you scheduling that into your workday and team events?
5. Resist Rules…For Now – High standards without an environment of acceptance, love, & vision almost feels like legalism. It’s like the worst form of Christianity – telling people what they shouldn’t do but casting no vision for the glory of God. A heart in love with Jesus is a heart set on righteousness. I’m not saying you shouldn’t have standards and team rules. But don’t start there. If a new team member joins your team don’t just shove a behavior list in their face. Begin to cultivate the ground of honor, love, fear, and respect for the Majesty of God. A massive view of God overwhelms the petty issues.
Isn’t this what we’re after? We’re leaders for the long game, not the quick compliment.
Don’t we want to make disciples across generations?
Aren’t we leaders in order to bring change?
Let’s dialogue. How have you created a culture of integrity in your team? What has worked or not worked for you?
You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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The word of the Lord, my brother! All too often, we as musical, pastoral leaders want a quick & easy silver bullet, a magic pill, to make what is happening on the platform more ______________. We won’t hesitate to buy new stompboxes, change lighting cues, use different pad textures, find “better” songs to try to accomplish this. God has really been challenging me to make what I do on the platform more _____________ by making Him more a priority off the platform, which requires commitment. Love and devotion have this in common: they are both more than passion and feeling – they are a commitment. Commitment in relationships can be hard work, whether it is relationship with God or our teams, but like you said in the blog, the seeds sown in those relationships is where the fruit will grow from in our ministries.
These 5 points are great. I love what you said- “Teach your team how to linger, how to pray, how to hear his voice in worship.” You’ve perfectly called attention to the story in Luke 10; Keeping the heart of Mary when we are typically prone to the mind of Martha-Recognizing we are first children of God before we identify as servants or musicians.
With the amount of musician and tech teams that are 20+ people, these 5 principles are so necessary to lead and shepherd a healthy micro-culture within the larger church.
Thank you David!
Hi everyone,
Thanks for posting this website.
I really liked the recommendation to spend time during rehearsal to worship God as a worship team.
That has been a great experience for me in the past.
Gary L
Southern NH (United States)
Good word!
What is the worship team doing during the other times of service when they’re not on stage? Are they listening to the sermon and taking notes? Are they interceding for the Holy Spirit to move during announcements, offering, sermon, altar call or are they joking around and checking their social media accounts?
Great comment!
From my experience, it is very distracting to me when worship team members are in the lobby talking during the sermon.
Gary L
Southern NH (U.S.)