You want to know what the best worship teams do? They worship.
Too often worship teams have a zealous leader, chasing God with all their heart and a band…a band that seems bored out of their minds at worst. At best, they like to play music.
But I believe God is after more in our churches, teams, and leaders. God is raising up people to shepherd the next generation. God is raising up a worshiping army in local churches – teams that are more interested in a glorious God than just great tone.
Their hearts are transfixed on the Master. They will never be the same again.
Before you start shouting amen, there’s something you need to be aware of:
If there’s one thing the enemy wants to discourage in your life, it’s worship.
If there’s one thing the enemy wants to take out in your team, it’s worship.
If there’s one thing the enemy wants to distract your church from, it’s true worship.
Why? Because worshipers cannot be stopped. True worshipers are the most resilient people.
- Bad news won’t stop a worshiper, it only strengthens their song.
- Fiery trials won’t stop a worshiper, it only emboldens their position before the throne of God.
- Fear won’t stop a worshiper, they sing through the unknown.
The enemy hates worship.
Because if the enemy can keep you from worshiping, he’s not worried about you. He’s got you where he wants you – in a spiral of complaining, confusion, and disillusionment. You’re not on the defensive and most definitely not on the offensive. You’re in a haze. He’s moved you away from beholding Jesus.
But worshipers keep perspective through it all. They position their hearts before God. Their song keeps getting stronger. Their perspective of Jesus keeps growing.
Psalm 112:6-8 lays it out:
For the righteous will never be moved;
he will be remembered forever.
He is not afraid of bad news;
his heart is firm, trusting in the Lord.
His heart is steady; he will not be afraid,
until he looks in triumph on his adversaries.
That’s why Job was so effective. The story of Job is a heart-wrenching story about the power of worship. Here’s what we learn from Job: the enemy will try and threaten your worship. The voice of others will try and threaten your worship.
We worship until we see a breakthrough. We worship when the breakthrough is delayed. We worship after the breakthrough has come because worship isn’t a single, solitary, Sunday morning event. It’s the breath that we breathe.
5 Ways a Worshiping Community is Powerful
So what makes a worshiping community so powerful?
1.True worship fosters unity – When we worship, we see Jesus clearer. And when we see Jesus clearer, there’s no room for ego. We see how great he is and how small we are. Worship keeps a team on its knees loving Jesus and serving one another.
2. True worship brings the breakthrough – Sometimes that breakthrough is external. But more often, the breakthrough is internal. While the storm is raging around us, the peace of God rages within us. But worship is also a weapon. We beat back the lies we tend to believe. We beat back the work of the enemy by lifting high the cross of Christ.
3. True worship reaches out – Worship isn’t complete if all we do is gather and sing. The heart of God is to reach out to the marginalized with the love of Jesus. That’s the power in our worship times. That’s the power of our songs. It’s when we start to live them out. It’s when we honor God with our lips and our hearts remain close.
4. True worship honors God – How many want to live a life that pleases God? Worship invites God to do what He does. Worship doesn’t make God any bigger, it expands your vision of His greatness.
5. True worship is what you were created for – If you were made for anything, you were made to worship your Creator. You were designed for His presence. Nothing else can satisfy. Nothing else makes sense. As worship teams, we are helping people discover what they were created for.
How are you fostering a worshiping culture in your team?
What does it take to develop not only great musicians but fiery worshipers?
Let’s talk it out. You can leave a comment by clicking here.
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Hi David.. great blog. It’s great to be reminded of the purpose and power of worship.
Mark Cole
Thanks Mark!
Great reminder David. Seems so obvious but we often miss the point.
Thanks Paul! I always need these reminders 🙂
Very good stuff, David, but I would even step back one more step. A good worship team is composed of individuals who actually worship at home alone, in their car, walking in the woods, at the beach…..all alone they go to the garden to meet with the gardener. Then, when together, 4+4 equals 9. He’s that “something extra” we all like so much.
Good word!
Well said, Lenny! Love it.
Thanks David, I needed to hear that today.
Hi David,
Thank you for this article since I’m starting a new worship team in a small church this is a big encouragement to me and lesson that I can learn on our new journey. Be bless!