Ever met someone that you couldn’t trust?
They’ve stretched the truth enough times that it’s difficult to believe what they’re saying?
I hate to say this, but a major hindrance to corporate worship is the believability of the worship leader. Do they mean what they sing? Are they sincere? Do they love Jesus? Or are they self centered, going through the motions, and in love with themselves?
Of course, worship isn’t simply about the performance of a worship leader. As the worshiping church, it’s our responsibility to press into the fullness of God whether we like the worship leader or not.
But still, worship leader, you’re not off the hook. You can hinder how well people engage. You have the power to distract people from feasting upon the glory of God. Your poor song choice can leave people feeling empty. Your stage presence can cause people to observe you rather than participate. You carry a lot of influence.
My question to you today is, are you stewarding that influence well?
When it comes down to worship leaders I respect the most, it’s not just how talented they are or how strong their voice is. It’s not whether they lead their own songs or not. It’s not whether they do new or old tunes or have experience in the studio. It doesn’t matter how skinny the jeans or how long the t-shirts.
I’m wondering, are you believable?
Do you mean what you sing? Are you full of expectation? Do you love Jesus? Is there a fire in your heart for the Gospel? If your church never knew you but were more in love with the Savior because of your ministry, would you be OK with that?
Too many worship leaders aren’t believable. They may have great talent and slick production, but they don’t help me fall more in love with the Savior because they themselves are not falling more in love with the Savior. I know I’ve been there.
I’ve loved my songs more than the Savior.
I’ve loved my influence more than the Infinite wonder of God.
I’m served my ego more than the Eternal glory of God.
Leaders of local church worship, it’s time to be more believable.
The Quick Fix for Believability
Of course, there’s no quick fix for believability. There’s not a 10 step program. There’s not a book you can read. I wish there were a single podcast that had all the answers.
Believability is your voice after you’ve gone through the fire.
Believability is your song when you’ve lived every lyric.
Believability is when you’ve stopped being impressed with yourself.
Believability is when you’re shining a light on others.
Believability is living for a greater Kingdom than your own.
There’s no quick fix. But then again, what is the shimmer of a quick fix? I’d rather live a life that is rooted and real than slap a bandage over a gaping wound. “Be real” has become a buzzword. It’s a “cool” thing to say. But what does it really mean to be real?
It’s about a decision…a decision to set your heart before the fire of God’s glory every day rather than the treasures of this earth.
Great worship leaders connect with the worshiper, welcome the guest, and create an atmosphere where people can encounter Jesus. They don’t just create to impress their artistic friends.
So let’s start today. Let’s stop trying to “make it”, be impressive, or prove ourselves. Let’s just truly live our lives for the glory of Jesus. Let’s approach every rehearsal, every service with a sense of awe, wonder, and expectation that God is there. And He is truly all we want.
Are you in?
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Great staff Man of God.I am learning a lot as a worship leader.May you God continue to bless you with more revelations.
David am very impressed with the truths that you keep highlighting and how our attitude to God must be central in worship. God bless you.