It’s hard to listen to Lindy Conant and not be stirred to action. She has a fire in her bones for the Kingdom of God and spreading a passion for Him across the nations.
This interview is simple: we talk about the new record, foster care, avoiding the comparison trap, and running after all that God has. Prepare to be stirred!
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Show Sponsor

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In This Episode You’ll Hear More About:
- Lindy’s journey into worship ministry and following Jesus
- Understanding and applying the Bible
- The music of YWAM
- The Conant’s journey into adoption
- The story behind “Circuit Riders”
- The lie of comparison
- Knowing who you’re called to run with
Resources Mentioned:
- Show Sponsor: Zamar Instruments
- Music: Driven by Love by Lindy and the Curcuit Riders
- Podcast: Bob Fitts on Keeping Jesus First, Worship Around the World, & The Worship Leader as a Storyteller
- Podcast: David Garrett on Worship Music in the 60s, Scripture in Song, & Being Led by the Holy Spirit
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Question: What was your biggest takeaway from this interview with Lindy? You can leave a comment by clicking here.