Church is imperfect. Leaders are imperfect. You are imperfect.
And it’s really time to get over the backbiting, the bickering, and the slandering of your church. I have a better idea: what if you decided to love it?
I remember when a friend was struggling in his marriage. The feelings weren’t there. They were fighting often. Tension was high and romance was low. Do you know what turned it around? He decided to love her. He decided to appreciate her. He made a decision to romance. He learned that what you invest in, grows. What you appreciate, appreciates.
My wife had to stay home with our sick daughter this weekend. But Tyler came with me Saturday and Sunday. He hung out for all 8,000 rehearsals. We sang together. We talked to people together.
I’m glad he can grow up in a church. not a perfect church. But a church, nonetheless.